
How do I get my 8 year old daughter to use better feminine hygiene?

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My wife and I work long hours and I am usually the one home to take care of her bed time and bathtime. I am in a predicament and try to get her to clean herself better, however she argues till she is red in the face about cleaning. I of course can not go in and supervise as I am a guy and that is inappropriate. Some with suggestions please help.




  1. i agree with your first answer

  2. Your wife really needs to step in here....That's a tough daughter will be 8 next month and when she started taking showers by herself, it took a few reminders about what and how to clean. :) And I know how it is...she doesn't even want me in there watching her, so I can imagine the difficulty for you being a guy... Hmmmm, have a discussion with your wife and maybe if your daughter is allowed to pick her own body wash and bath products at the store she'll be more inspired to clean herself a bit better :)

  3. I don't think that it would be inappropriate for you to have the discussion.    Maybe your wife could be the one to have the initial discussion and then you be the gatekeeper if you aren't comfortable with the initial discussion.

    I buy wet wipes for my kids to use after a bowel movement.   It's easier for them to ensure they've cleaned themselves.   Just be sure that she throws those in the trash.

    Showering.   Tell her that she must wash her hair.    If she doesn't, send her back to the shower repeatedly until you are satisfied that she's done it.     Let her know that it works best and takes less time to do it right the first time.      Washing her crotch.   She needs to use some water and a wash cloth and small about of body wash and wash her crotch.    I told my daughter that she will stink like p**p if she doesn't wash herself and that she will get used to that smell because she will always smell like it, but everyone else around her will smell it and think that she's gross and they'll make fun of her.

    Wearing deordant.     This is only in the mornings or before ball games.   I've had to remind her daily for about a year now.    

    With kids, there's really no sugar coating anything.    I have found that being straightforward leaves no room for doubt in what you are saying.

  4. I have a 7 year old daughter who also resists washing her "parts" unless I am right there supervising and saying "wash there, or else!"

    And there is no way she would want her father in there with her, so I understand the predicament! A few suggestions:

    1.  Change her shower time to the morning, or a time when your wife can be there to supervise.

    2.  I have heard that book by American Girl - - The Care and Keeping of You - - has inpired girls 8 to 12 yrs old to have better hygiene!

    3.  My daughter does not want me to watch her take a shower or bath, so I say "I am going to stand her and watch you until I see you wash".  And she does it right away so I will leave.

    4.  I also have told her that if she doesnt wash she will stink, and all the kids will say "Oh yeah, I know that girl Courtney, she is the one who smells bad!  The stinky girl!".  Then she will wash.

  5. Your wife needs to have a talk with her.

  6. my daughter is the same way it is like they are lazy to do it. Get her a book on hygiene. I got my daughter she is 9 'The Care and Keeping of You' The book is from American Girl Doll. You can it on there website or any local bookstore(i got mine at target). It explains everything really well in a way that they can understand without being harsh.

  7. there's nothing wrong with supervising an 8 year old bathe.  My dad did, and i'm sure i wouldnt have washed myself if he wasn't there.  Hand her the shampoo and have her wash her hair.  Hand her a wash cloth, tell her to soap up, and make sure she washes all the vital parts.  all you have to do is sit there and make sure she does a good job.  It's not creepy, it teaching her hygiene.

  8. tell her if she doesn't clean herself right, you'll do it for her. the thought would be so embarrassing, she'd prolly do it. if she doesn't, well, you would have to, just to keep her healthy. sorry. it would be awkward, but necessary.  good luck. maybe buy her some cool bath soaps or toys, like funny shaped soap and shampoo bottles. that might make it a little cooler for her.

  9. I have a 12 year old son who is going through the same thing. Just tell her that if she doesn't take a bath, you will have to take something away. Make shower time easier, shampoo and body wash come in one container. Shampoo and wash all in one =) brushing teeth can be a challenge. Take her to the store to let her choose her own deodorant as well, the one she likes. Ask her after she brushes her teeth how good her mouth and teeth feel, we all know its a great feeling!!

    Good Luck

  10. if your wife isnt there and she is 8, you have to go in there with her how is it inapropriate she is your 8 yeer old daughter she needs to be taught by somone. you created her, and now you cant teach her to bath herself because she is a female?

  11. she is your daughter.. it should not be inappropriate.

    you are the parent and she is the child.

  12. She's your daughter, why is supervising her inappropriate?

    It's only inappropriate if you have sexual feelings for your daughter - and then watching her have a bath is the least of your worries.

    I would tell her if she doesn't wash herself you'll do it for her. And then do it, preferably with a showerhead of not particularly warm water on full blast. She'll soon realise cleaning herself with a warm soapy flannel is a much more pleasant option.

  13. u should buy those kid wipes'

    the wet ones....

    they are for toddlers because they too dont clean that well

    i dont know what they are called but i know they have a frog on the box....?

    maybe this will help.... tell her to look at the paper and make sure that she wies till its all gone/ ? gross but it will work?

    show her how to fold the toilet paper better or how to wipe.

    she argues probly cause she is embarrassed and wants to act like you are the one wrong.

    I just re read ur question........    OOPS

    is this about taking a bath?

    well one of these nights her mother is going to have to give her a bath and show her that she needs to start washing better.

    maybe for now if u tell her she can only shower not take a bath so she wont play and wash herself right. or just send her back in again and tell her to get back in until she does it right... maybe she is just playing and not really washing herself.... my little brother did this....

    o and they sell these mitens with soap on them for kids too.. maybe this will encurage her to wash right.......

  14. do nothing. kids at school will start making fun of her.

  15. I do not think anything is inappropriate here.  You are her father and she is an 8 year old child, and you are teaching her to bathe better.  Just go in once, show or tell her how it's done and that's that.  Get her some great smelling soaps and lotions, that may help.

  16. she is 8 and you are her father. It is not inappropriate (unless she has started puberty). If she hates the idea of you going in then use that. Tell her that if she can't wash unsupervised then you will have to come in and help. What is she having problems with??Is it washing her hair?? Let her wash it in the morning or wash it for her. As I said , she is only 8. I knnow many fathers that still wash their kids hair at that age

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