
How do I get my DVR to record 2 shows at once?

by Guest66405  |  earlier

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I have Directv. I know how to record shows, the problem is when two shows that are on at the same time, my DVR will only allow one show to record.. ? I have two cable lines coming into the DVR and The installer said those two lines would enable 2 shows to record at the same time?? Why isn't it working?




  1. You can record two shows at once.  The only thing is that you cannot watch a 3rd channel at the same time you are recording two channels.

    If you are not watching TV, fine.  If you are watching TV you MUST watch one of the two channels recording.

  2. You have to have a dual-tuner DVR in order to do this. If you have a dual tuner the DVR records both shows on it's own, you don't have to do anything to make it happen.

  3. The only way you can record two shows at the same time is to have 2 DVR's or a mirrored. Doesn't have to do with the cable lines.

    If you have a mirrored DVR then you can have a show taping on one TV and can tape another show on another TV.

  4. First you should check and make sure the cables are connected correctly.  Some Directv DVRs have 2 satellite inputs AND an input for an OTA antenna.  Make sure both satellite cables are plugged into the correct inputs (and not into the OTA input).  If they are connected correctly, go into the system setup and check to see if both satellite inputs are receiving a signal from this dish.  This can be accomplished by checking the signal for each input.  If everything checks out fine, then you have an issue with the DVR itself not recognizing the extra input.

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