
How do I get my Mary Kay business going?

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I need ideas to market my Mary Kay business. I have not sold anything yet. No hits on my website.




  1. midnightblue made some great points.  Keep going to unit meetings find someone who is where you want to be and ask them how they got there.  Stick with it keep a positive attitude and keep going.  It take a lot of no's to get to the yes's it is not a get rich quick it is work like any job an open mouth is an open business.

  2. get some friends together and do facials and then give whoever books a party an encentive, like a free compact or someting. You could also have a book party at your office, or have a friend have one. Your friends are the key to getting a Mary Kay buisness going. Then once you have repeat customers you don't have to do partys anymore if you want because they know what they need and the right colors for their skin. And I found inspiration from reading Mary Kay Ash's autobiography: Miracles Happen

  3. Start calling people.  I had a business debut.  I invited everyone I knew and took the money that I made from it and put it into inventory.  For the debut, my director came and spoke about all of the products.

  4. You need to talk to people. Do your facials and skin care classes. Have your current customers help promote you. Mary Kay is all about building those awesome relationships with your customers, not just about the sales. Yes, we can make great money, but it's because we offer excellent customer service on top of our incredible products to make loyal customers that keep coming back to us.

    You're not just promoting your business; you're promoting yourself as well. So every day, "Get up, get cute, and get out." Talk to everyone within three feet of you. GET BUSINESS CARDS. Nobody will know you're a consultant unless you tell them, so just open your mouth and start talking. =)

    Also, when you're a Star Consultant, you get priority on the consultant searches... just fyi. That's another reason why you'll want to strive to be a Star every quarter, so make sure you're talking to people and getting them on the skin care.

    Good luck! =)

    Edit: Also, make sure to take advantage of the Preferred Customer Program whenever you can. Probably the easiest way to promote yourself and increase your sales.

  5. You won't get it started - it's a pyramid scheme. Go to for the truth about Mary Kay.

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