
How do I get my Windows Live Messenger back? (10 points for best answer, guarenteed)?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so this might be a little bit complicated, but first things first, i am not an administrative user, so i dont have that many privelages. Secondly, I used to have Windows Live Messenger from MSN and now it is gone, it has been gone for several months now, yet, my sister, who also doesnt have administrative privelages, found hers recently in her start menu... I looked alo over my start menu and all programs menu and couldnt find anything. I also tried going throgh my documents, my computer hp pavilion c:, and looked in program files and found the file Messenger. I found the file msn messenger and it wont let me put it on my desktop, also, it is a white box with a blue bar across the top. I am really confused and frustrated with this and any answer will be a really big help! Please tell me how to get it back.

Again, i guarentee i will be giving out 10 points for best answer

thank you




  1. Do you share you're PC with you're Sister?

    If you're Sister has found hers,..then you should be albe to find you're as well!

    Do a Search on you're PC :

    Click: Start>Search>and type in "Windows Live Messenger".

    You're PC should find it!

  2. You have three choices.

    1. Search for the file, you need to search for the file named 'msnmsgr.exe' should be in the route 'C:\Program Files\Windows Live\Messenger'

    2. Re-download MSN from

    3. Do a system restore.

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