
How do I get my bird to stop picking at a mole?

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Every time I hold her she picks at my mole (like pecks at it) I can't really cover it up because its on my face (its small and no it doesn't look bad or hariry so I won't remove it) She does that with other people to. How can I teach her not to do that?




  1. Unfortunately, many birds do that so yours is not different, and I know it is annoying.

    If you really want him on your shoulders and close to your face, I'd ask an AVIAN vet. I am sure they have products that are just for this purpose. But make sure that it is safe for birds. Just because it is safe for other pets, does not mean it will be safe for your tiel.

    However, I'd suggest keeping him off your shoulders. This is not a good practice to let your fids stay there (safety reasons) plus it is not a quality time for your fid.

    Good luck!  

  2. This comes from the natural behaviour of preening the other birds in their flock.  She beleives that it's something that should not be there and therefore is trying to preen you by removing it.  My conure used to do this to one on my shoulder.   You correct this behaviour the same way you do any behaviour and most bird owners have their own way of doing this.  What I personally do when still training to a bird that bites or nips at all is to slightly rock my hand they are perched on when they do it, moving them slightly off balance and firmly saying no.  Only do this gently however as you don't want to do it so much that they fall, just enough that they are paying attention to you.   I would note, however, that if it's on your face it shouldn't be a problem.  Your bird should remain below eye level to you at all times due to the fact that they determing pecking order by who is higher than the other and therefore, if you have them above your eye level, you are letting them know they are in charge of you and promoting bad behaviour.  See below for a video that depicts how to do this. And NEVER, under any circumstance, put a band over their beak!

  3. It is instinct that a bird peck at anything that looks like food and your mole looks like a seed.  

    I think you can figure this out yourself.  Like put a bandaid over it.  Or how about this - do not let the bird be on your shoulder at all but keep her on your hand, where YOU are in control not her.

    You cannot teach her to not be a bird.  Is she hungry??

  4. Put a rubber band on his beak!

  5. ask at pet store for a bite repellent for your bird and apply for chewing puppies use ivory dish soap but birds are more fragile and I know they have it at pet smart but its been yrs since I used it I can not recall the name

  6. WTF? I don't want to hear about your freaking mole!

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