
How do I get my body's electric charge re-balanced?

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I have a very strong natural electric charge...I am always saturated with static, I shock everyone, I s***w up electronics from just touching them, you can see weird electric phenomina in a lot of my pictures...consequently I'm often nervous about pumping gas or being outside during electrical storms. Is there a way for me to get this "normalized" or learn to control it myself because it's become very problematic. I feel like I should be on I'll start shooting lightning bolts out of my eyes any minute. (lol jk) I've looked into things like Reiki, but that seems to be geared specifically to harnessing energy for healing purposes. I need to be electrically balanced!!




  1. Take Reiki then take Karate or Tai chi.  It teaches you to balance your energy with what is called Grounding and centering.  Reiki is the Yin energy, Karate is the Yang energy.

    I can't wear watches and have strong natural electric charges as well.  I find myself going barefoot a lot. Meditation while sitting on the floor seems to help with grounding as well.

  2. Do you live near any big electrical company or big electrical posts- if so this could be the reason.

    If not, make sure you only have the electricity on that you need at home and leave the rest off.

    I am pretty sure magnetic therapy might also help with this..

  3. Reiki can help in that it can help you manage the flow of energy moving through you. Level 1 reiki is all you would need, if you have a good Reiki Master Teacher and you talk to them about this, they should be able to give you some grounding techniques. Grounding and self healing can help with this problem.

    I used to burn out watch batteries, turn out streetlights and the lamps and televisions would turn on and off sometimes. When I got angry, all the power would go on and off in whatever building I was in.

    Not so since I learned Reiki. It's worth a try.

  4. Plug yourself back in

  5. You have a very vivid imagination.  Connect a thin chain to your ankle and let it drag on the ground.  This will discharge any excess electric charges.

  6. Discharge yourself on the car's body before touching the gas pump.

    Or pay some goofball $1000 to do something totally unnecessary and certainly fraudulent.

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