
How do I get my brother to behave?

by  |  earlier

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Long story short, I have to watch my little brother over the summer until August I think it is, at which point my mother will come to my house and pick him up and take him back to her house. Now the thing is, he is a little brat. He was raised by my mother thinking that he was a perfect little angel and never got punished for anything. So now if he doesn't get what he wants he goes on an all out rampage breaking things and hitting people.

He has already broken one of my fingers and my three cousins who I am also watching don't want him in the same room as them. So how can I get this brat to behave before I just throw him out of my house and call the cops.




  1. Easy, tell your mother to find another sitter for your brother, that YOU are not responsible for HER child.

  2. dont watch him then is not againest the law to not watch your little brother.if he is that bad  his mother has to deal with no one wanting to watch his spoild butt.

  3. Honey, this calls 4 some Supernanny advice!

    Go here:

    P.S: Don't threaten ur brother! Put him in the guest room when he misbehaves, 4 however long u think he needs punishment! If he does it again, then u can spank him and scold him! It seems awful and I'll b praying 4 u and ur little brother that everything goes well.

  4. Tell your mother that he either will behave or he won't be allowed in your house. If he acts up, put him in a room with nothing fragile (if at all possible) for the rest of the day and he will realize that he can't be an @$$hole at Big Bro's house.

  5. Watch SuperNanny! Its such an amazing show.

    The main thing she points out is to be PERSISTENT and CONSISTENT. She is a fan of the good old time-out. But you have to be very aware that for the first while, he will not obey and you will have to continuously plunk him back down in the time-out area.

    If worse comes to worse, tell you mother NO.

    Or you could run away to Egypt, which to me, seems a heck of a lot easier ;)

    In the end, he needs to know that YOUR the boss and your rules never change. He can get used to it if you are persistent!

    Good luck!

  6. I am going to tell you like this - this child would not stay at my house. If he goes into a rampage breaking things, hitting people, and cause me to break a finger. Oh, he would not stay at my home. My mother would be informed that he could not remain in my home unless he followed the rules of the household.

    I think the biblical phrase applies here: spare the rod spoild the child. Seems like your mom needs to look at that phrase.

    If he is doing this now imagine what will happen when he gets 18 years of age - throw a tantrum then and he will be going to jail. Some one needs to correct that behavior now before he becomes a frequent visitor of the penal system.

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