
How do I get my butterfly/btwist?

by  |  earlier

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yea cuz my bkick or butterfly kick is pretty high but whenever i try to do the btwist or butterfly twist its really low. HELP! xD

thanks in advance!




  1. 1. you could video tape yourself, this usually helps to tell you what your doing wrong

    2. you may be concentrating on the twist part to much and may try to swing your arm harder when you start

    3. try doing the b-twist on a spring surface so that you can go higher, and then try doing it on harder ground.

  2. the applications are the same, but when you twist, bring your hands into your body and whip your head in the direction you're twisting.  a huge help would be video taping your attempts.  you never look like you think you do.  good luck.

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