
How do I get my cat to drink from her water dish and not the toilet?

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My cat doesn't like to drink from her water dish. She drinks from my cups- no matter what is in it, from the fountain on our counter, she licks the bath tub after we take showers, does the same with the sinks, and she recently started drinking out of the toilet.

I can't figure out if it's the water dish specifically, or the fact that the water dish is on the ground. She'll drink out of plastic cups and has used plastic water dishes before so I don't think that's it. I think she doesn't like to drink off the floor. Does anyone elses cat do this? How did you stop them?

And before I get the smart a** comments- yes I have started closing the toilet lid so she doesn't drink out of it, and yes I've tried moving her water dish to a table. She will drink out of it some, but she still licks the bath tub.




  1. I have heard one theory that might apply here.  Cats have a very keen sense of smell, and if the water bowl isn't rinsed properly, it can detect the odor of your dish soap.  Either overkill with the rinsing or try switching to an odorless soap.

    Another is that they can detect the chemicals in the water.  Switch to giving them filtered water.  Get a Brita pitcher or something like that.  It's healthier for them anyway.

    The reason why they are willing to drink "dirty" water, such as out of puddles, is because although it's dirty it's more natural.

    Toilet water, I don't know why that would be appealing.....LOL  But wait, I found this and it makes some sense:  "I heard it was because water that sits has time for the chlorine to evaporate."

    You could try getting a pet fountain.  Apparently the moving water attracts some cats.

  2. It's just one of the quirky things that some cats do and there's not too much you can do to stop it.  Actually it's a small thing and I'm sure you'll get used to it.

    Good Luck and keep that lid closed!

  3. My cats do the same thing.  I don't really mind until they knock my cup over :(  

    I have to wonder if they like the freshness of my water as opposed to theirs which only gets changed twice a day.  Just a thought...

  4. You have to get a pet fresh water dish. You plug it into the wall and the water flows through a filter first. It is about $30 at petco...My cat stopped drinking out of the toilet after I got this.

  5. if i were you i would put down the toilet seat! dah!

  6. I doubt you are going to be able to change the cat, once a cat makes up it's mind there isn't much you can do to change it.  The best thing is probably just to leave the lid down on the toilets for your own peace of mind, there aren't many germs on the shower that you have to worry about so I would just let the cat do it's thing.

  7. my cats did the same. the reasoning is that they do not like water that has been sitting around a while.

    you could get a fountain water dish or just buy a decorative fountain and put it on the floor. if you buy the decorative fountain you will need to clean it thoroughly more often.

  8. Keep the Toilet lid closed.

  9. put water in a cup for her and let her drink from that.

    or yell at her when she drinks from something you don't want her to. pop her lightly on the head with the tip of your finger, not enough to hurt her but enough to annoy her. she will understand that as a "no" signal.

  10. Have you tried new water dishes? Maybe she doesnt like the plastic.

    Use one of your cups for her waterdish.

  11. cats love fresh flowing water and that is what she is getting from these sources (well I don't know how fresh the toilet water is I would get in the habit of keeping the seat down)  but I would recommend that you get a drink well pet fountain.  your cat will love it and you won't have to worry about her not getting enough to drink.

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