
How do I get my cat to eat/drink or at least know where the food/drink is? (Please read details)?

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I just got a cat today, and already asked a question earlier today on if it would be okay if I changed it. Well, many people said that it's okay, and it'd be good to do it by saying it's new name while it's eating. So... how do I show my cat where the food is, and how do I get it to eat?




  1. you can pick the cat up, bring it to the food and put the bowl up to its nose but to make the cat eat the food i would not advise that, it could get irritated and scratch/bite you gust sit near the food until it eats

  2. All you really need to do is pick it up and take it to the place where the food, water and cat litter is. After that, just let the cat wander around exploring on it's own. Try to avoid following it around the house. It might make it nervous. The cat will eat and drink when it's hungry or thirsty. Try to avoid moving the food water or litter to different areas multiple times though. And congratulations!!

  3. Cats are natual at this kind of thing...

    put the food down and say Her Roofus... come get your food.

    keep saying it... if the cat ignores you... go pick it up and put it by the food and say Roofus here is your food goood roofus, good roofus.

    The cat should have access to water constantly... I put a bowl in the tub and just refill it when I am in there.

    good luck  

  4. Firstly, you can't make a cat eat. You can show it where the food is, and it'll eat when it feels like it, but it isn't really possible to make a cat do something it isn't inclined to do itself--it'll just fight you, develop a poor opinion of you, and be much more inclined to do the opposite of what you want. You'll just have to wait until the cat is hungry and say its name then.

    Also, you may not need to show the cat where the food is--unless it's in an out-of-the-way place, the cat should see it on its own, and either recognize the bowl or smell the food. Most cats seem to learn best by experience; a cat may not notice a food dish when you place it right in front of the cat's face, but will suddenly "realize" it's there as soon as he feels hungry. But showing a cat food is fairly simple if you do it right: just pick up the cat and place it on the floor, in front of the food, preferably a foot or two away. In my experience it helps if the food dish is in the cat's line of sight, which draws the cat's attention to it, rather than right under the cat's face, which "disgusts" them and just makes them want to get away from it. The sound of you pouring food into the dish, and even just the smell of the food, will also attract its attention. You can also show it the food again in an hour or two, if it hasn't show any interest.

  5. if its a poor quality food, she may reject it, buy a better brand that smells apetizing, place water and food in a easy to see place and dont move it. littler box should be  a few feet away but in aprivate place, they prefer privacy when going. like put in a big box or under a table....make sure ketty gets spayed or neutered...cats like to chase balls or tie a long piece of yarn on a stick and wave it along the floor, they go nuts!

  6. When you get a new cat say it's name as often as possible.  Even if you change it's name several times, eventually the little kitty will start to realize you are talking to her or him.  

    A cat is naturally curious and should have no problems finding the food/water and litter box.  I used to pick my kitten up and put her down next to these things to get her familiar with them.  In a matter of hours the house was hers.  Getting the cat to eat is another story.  If it is nervous it may not feel comfortable eating yet.  Just give it time and once it is hungry enough, it will return to the dish to eat.  Good luck!

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