
How do I get my cat to not be soo clingy??

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He follows us everywhere and howls loudly when he can't come. When I take a shower I can hear him howling at the door and so when I open the door he tries to get in the water. He even cries when my husband leaves for work. ( 30 minutes)

We have only had him a couple of months and love him to death however his clingy ways are annoying. He hates to be in a room alone and I can't even get up in the middle of the night to go pee without him scratching the door. I wonder if he thinks we won't keep him...




  1. Maybe you could get him a little playmate so he wouldn't feel too lonely, he's probably got separation anxiety. If he had someone to play and hang out with, he wouldn't be demanding your attention all the time.

  2. he was probably abandoned by his previous owners.  I just leave the door cracked so my cats can come in if they want to.  no big deal.

  3. I have two dachshunds that are the same way they always cry when they are alone. Slowly you can get your pet to become less clingy by training him to sleep alone. Also if you start to teach your cat words like "Mommas got to go bye bye" then he will associate that word with you leaving eventually he should become more assured that you'll be back and that you won't leave him. Just try different techniques by asking your vet or looking online and pet websites.

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