
How do I get my cat to stop attacking my bed at night?

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I have a 9 month old kitten who keeps scratching the head of my bed at night while I'm trying to sleep, and in the early morning. She also keeps jumping on my bed while I'm asleep and starts scratching me. I bought her a scratchpost and I tried spraying the bed with citrus. Nothings worked. Please help me, I'm so tired!




  1. Throw her butt out at night, but spay her first.  You don't need kittens.

  2. 220 volts should work. Either that or get a squirt bottle and give it a little spray. It will eventualy learn.  

  3. My mother who is a vet tech and has a kitten at home around this age keeps her in her own bedroom at night. Do you have this option?

    My kitten who is about 6 months old has been very good so we've been letting her stay with us at night.  

  4. if the doors open then close it and  youn can just get lots of toys for your cat and a bed like i do with my cat .it works

  5. Stop letting it sleep near you. Animals and humans need their separate space and it needs to be very clearly defined. I know it's only a baby but it needs to learn that you aren't at it's every whim. For god's sake get a grip, you're destroying your own welfare for a cat!!

    Failing that give it some catnip to play with...Only chemical I can think of to put it off would be something containing cat pheromones, like tom cat pee. Not the nicest smell.

    The simplest solution is just to put the kitten in another room every night and not with you. You need time to sleep. It's just getting ridiculous. YOU are the master.

  6. Shut the cat out of your room at night.  When I first got one of my cats he attacked my feet every night while I was trying to sleep.  I ended up just shutting him out of the room at night until he outgrew the playful kitten stage.

  7. Oh that' s fun for you cat.  My kitty peep (rip little buddie) did that to me but my parents kept him inside all the time so he didn't have any front claws.

  8. Knock the F#@K out of it...

    No, seriously... Cats are practically indestructible, until they get older and their bones ossify, its pretty hard to injure your cat with an open handed upwards blow, their bones are like rubber.

    Every time your cat does this, backhand her across the room. This is EXACTLY what a momma cat does with her babies to control them, but at nine months they're bigger and tougher, so even though I know it SEEMS like abuse, all you're really doing is exerting your dominance, expressing it in a way that your beloved pet is genetically pre-programmed to understand... Isn't it crueler to expect your cat to understand ENGLISH, than to put forth the effort (as the presumably dominant and superior animal,) to tell it what's what in Feline?

    (For the record, I had a little black kitty with gold eyes that I had to give up as a child, her name was Pookie (I would tell people it was short for "Pookahontas.") but my mother was severely allergic and we found her a new home... I took the time to learn how to "speak cat" and spent a lot of time with her, she came when she heard her name, she greeted guests by speaking rather than just rubbing all over their legs or hiding under the sofa and when she came into her new home she immediately became the Alpha female... Just don't kick or step on them and they will be fine.)

  9. let the cat sleep in a cage. thatll teach her.

  10. I suggest you make your room off limits or is there such a thing for cats

  11. you will have to condition the cat.  have a spray bottle of water next to the bed.  Everytime the cat jumps on the bed and starts to mis-behave, spray with water.

    One of my cats still likes to nibble on my fingers even after a lot of bite my finger, get whacked on the nose conditioning.

    the kitten will get better, but you will need to set boundries (it is ok to come on the bed and sleep with me, but you can not scratch or bite me while you are here).

  12. Hey! I had the same problem! Just try keeping a water bottle by your bed, so when she does that, you can just spray her with the bottle and eventually she'll learn her lesson and stop.

  13. to get it to use the scratchpost you have to ween her into it, by playing with it. play with her around it and things and she should get used to it. also my cat scratches my bed while im asleep if he wants to go out or food or something. Maybe when she does it she wants something.

  14. cayanne pepper

  15. get a cheap spray bottle with water in it!  keep it by your bed so when you realize she's doing it, its right there and you can spray her.  she'll hate the spraying and she'll realize you only do it when she does that.  it worked on my bf's kitten

  16. I had the same problem. Eventually nothing worked so I gave up and go the cat declawed and kept him in the basement at night. he doesn't seem to mind at all, except if you keep them in there after you've woken up.

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