
How do I get my cat to stop attacking my door k**b?

by  |  earlier

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My cat gets bored at night, and lately it's been affecting my sleep. She wakes me up anywhere between 3am and 4am playing with wires, so I kick her out of my room. However, she knows the door k**b opens the door, so she jumps up and grabs it, making a lot of noise (she actually got in earlier this morning... I don't know if the door just wasn't latched or if she actually managed to turn the door k**b, which I highly doubt but who knows...)

Anyway, I live in an apartment and I'm paranoid all this noise she's making can be heard by the neighbors. The last thing I want to do is annoy the neighbors, and I really am tired of being woken up so darn early by a stubborn cat who won't let me sleep.

I've put tape around the door k**b, sticky side up, to see if that would deter her. But she still grabs the door k**b and it still makes a lot of noise.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Is there something I can put on the door k**b to reduce the noise, like one of those baby door k**b covers? I can't leave the door open anymore because she plays with the wires to my modem, and she actually knocked it over this morning. I'm afraid she's going to chew the wires or one of these days if something knocks over (my clock, phone, or modem) it will break!

Thanks in advance!




  1. i think theres no way to get rid of your cat unless you shove it outside (which is impossible in an apartment)

    my cats can jump onto the door k***s in my house so i cant keep them out of anyroom

    i think theres 2 solutions to this

    1) get a lock on ur door

    2) get rid of the loose wires and hanging objects, as these only encourage cats


  2. Give the cat a toy it likes.The best toy for cats is a paper ball.Make one by just making a ball out of a paper and throw it to the cat.That will not try to play with the wires.Next,cover the wires or the computer itself by paper or sheet or cloth and hang it from the top of the table so that it looks like a viel.The cat will not be able to go to the computer.Next,if you don't want to make your cat disturb you at sleeptime,buy a cage or a box but it should be big enough for the cat to play in it.If you don't want the cat to be prisoned in the box,then  hide the door k**b with cloth so that the cat can't hang to it or try to open it.The cat will not be able to seethe door k**b and the computer wires.So,I hope your problems are solved.

  3. Goodluck on this one. You didnt mention how old your cat is, but it could also possibly be a stage she is going through. I have a kitten who is also fascinated with door k***s and handles and opens them himself as well. I also get woken up by hairbrushes, hairdryer etc all thrown off the dresser. Sometimes he just pushes them off for fun, I have watched him, he just pushes it off and looks at it so he isnt trying to play with it lol.  As we know we dont own our cats, they own us. Goodluck kitty controls the house. Try putting her in a room at night, I do this on nights my little one is restless, I also have to lock the door from the outside so he cant open it. goodluck!

  4. Bitter Apple Spray... its at your local pet store.  if you spray it on the k***s, they will get it on their paws, taste it, and freak out... then leave the doorknobs alone.

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