
How do I get my cat to stop biting?

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I have a cat who is probably about 3 months old, so she's still a kitten, and she is very affectionate. I sit at my computer desk a lot since it's where I do all of my work and then spend free time as well, and she always climbs up in my lap. The problem is, she bites. It's affectionate and playful biting, but it's still very annoying to be typing up a letter and then feel a sharp bite on my fingers. Even when I don't move them, she seeks them out and bites them. Then when I jerk away, she sees it as playing and claws them. I put her on the floor and she jumps right back up, no matter how many times I do it. (she has very sharp claws too so the jumping up hurts as well >_<). I love her, but how do I stop this biting before I go insane!?




  1. Keep a little squirt bottle of water on your desk and squirt her when she bites.

  2. Try a spray called &quot;Time Out&quot;. It is harmless but has a terrible taste and she won&#039;t want to bite you anymore. Apply it to you hands. It is safe.

    It can also be used on wood, fabrics, furniture, skin, clothing and plants.

    It&#039;s not just for Ferrets, it works on puppies, kittens and other small pets.

    It worked for my kitten.

    Careful not to put your fingers in your mouth before washing really well if you use it.. yucky!

  3. Smack your cat. It worked for me. Now were buddies. =)

    Or you could put a pillow on your lap or something.

  4. Young kittens between the ages of 3 weeks old and 8 months old will be teething off and on, and will have very strong needs to bite.  Just like baby children, kittens are born without teeth, start getting their first baby teeth at about 3-4 weeks old, then they will lose their baby teeth and have their adult teeth come in up until the age of about 8 months old.  So the trick here is not to keep them from biting; but rather, to provide them appropriate items to bite.  We use heavy-duty plastic drinking straws with our kittens, (being careful to cut off any bitten ends and discard the entire straw before it becomes dangerous, as with any toy), and train them from the start that toys and straws are purr-rectly fine to bite, but human body parts are off-limits!  If a kitten learns this from the start, there is hardly ever an inappropriate biting behavior as an adult.  Some cats start biting out of frustration after they have been de-clawed.  Some cats start biting out of misplaced aggression, which usually can be countered by providing the cat a feline playmate, and/or providing them more cat toys, cat furniture, and making their environment more stimulating for them.  Any time the kitten bites you make a loud “yowling” sound. If you’ve ever witnessed a cat get hurt, you will probably know what this sounds like. After you yowl, walk away and ignore the kitten. Never yell at or hit a cat. At all times, it is critical that you be thinking and acting on the firm belief that &quot;toys and straws are for biting; human hands are for giving and receiving love.”

  5. kill it!

  6. Hit her. JK  

  7. Put a little bit of vinegar on your finger then put the finger in her mouth (gently) and next time she thinks about biting you shes remember the nasty taste. Worked for my cat!

  8. feed the bite like push into it dont actually feed her cuz that will increse the problem. use a water bottle and squirt her everytime she bites. good luck.

  9. When she does it tap her lightly on the end of the nose and say &quot;NO&quot;in a deep voice.Eventually she will get the message.

  10. CLIP HER CLAWS first of all. then you can get these little plastic caps put over her claws (you can get this done at the vet) so her scratching does hurt nearly as much. its normal for kittens to bite, try getting her a chew toy though.

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