
How do I get my cat to stop sleeping on my bed?

by  |  earlier

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I have a basket, with a catnip mattress, and a bunch of his toys (which he likes), but he refuses to go in there at all. Everytime I put him in there, he jumps out and back on to my bed.




  1. if u want him off either put alot of umcomfortable stuff on the bed until you sleep or spray the cat when it goes up there

  2. Don't let him/her go in your room. Or get another cat so he/she won't be lonely at night.

    Some useful info at:

  3. Well why don't you want her to? d**n meanie!!;...


  4. Some cats will learn if you put them down every time they jump up. The other 99.9% wont. and will sleep where ever they please. Theres cats after all, and they rule the world :)

    I Have allergies, I'm allergic to cats, but I'm OK with ours for some reason as long as i keep him off my bed. so I'm learning to keep my bedroom door closed when I'm not in there. and when I'm in there i have a water bottle to squirt him with with he jumps on the bed. Same goes for the kitchen table. if i catch him up there he gets a squirt, but mostly we try to keep it cleared off so theres no temptation up there.  

    I also try to keep my bed made, at least spread out the comforter in the morning so it covers the pillows, just in case he does get up there.

    You could also try giving him another comfy place to sleep, we gave our cat  and dogs each one of our old pillows with a old pillow case on it that we can take off and wash.  We also wrote its name on the pillow itself in permanent marker, just so his pillow never gets mixed up with ours.  

  5. I Shoo My Cat..

    Then the Other Day She Sleeps On Her Own Bed.


  6. why wouldnt you want the honor of your cat sleeping on your bed?

    i have 3 and it doesnt bother me one bit. (:

    (it is their house too)

  7. Make sure you pay lots of attention to him when he is in the cat bed.  You might also want to add a human pillow or a squishy soft blanket to the bed.  Make it as appealing as possible.

    In the end though, if the cat wants to sleep on your bed he will find a way to sleep on your bed!

    Good luck!

  8. A folded soft towel usually draws them like a magnet. But if you have one who likes to sleep curled against you for the comfort factor then the only way to stop it is to close the bedroom door to keep the cat out.

  9. Half the fun of animals is having them sleep with you!

    You say you don't mind if he does but there are a couple problems.  Well, you don't need to worry about hurting him.  If you squish him, he won't get hurt but will learn to be more wary.  If he's crowding you, push him away.  Once you get the rules settled, both of you can enjoy the same bed.  (Which, since he's a cat, is HIS bed anyway.)

  10. Set up a place specifically for your cat with soft blankets they are attracted to.  Cats love sleeping in small spaces like boxes, so you could put a blanket in a box and see if that works.  If all else fails, close your bedroom door.

  11. when you see the cat on the bed clap your hands at it and yell 'no!' until it jumps off.  

    also, like everyone else said, provide a comfy place for it to sleep instead of your bed.  

    remember *not* to spank the cat when it is on the bed... it wont understand the reason you are hitting it and will just think you are being a jerk and start to not like you as much.  

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