
How do I get my cats used to my kitten?

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The kitten acts perfectly fine around them. The cats get really scared and start doing a bunch of weird stuff then running away.




  1. Just give them time.  I have 3 cats ( 5yrs, 1 yr, and 10 wks) they all acted weird when first introduced but soon each learned his place and learned to respect the older cat who happens to weigh about 18 pounds.  I would watch them closely for awhile until they are used to each other. Just to make sure the bigger cats don't hurt the little one.

  2. Unfornatley this is what pets do when they are introduced to other pets. just give them time. they'll soon be find  

  3. Well Mr. Phelps, this happened to my cats too. ;-D The older cats will get used to it in time. It may take a few days or a few months (my cat took quite a while to recover from not being the "baby" anymore), but it will happen.

    To break the ice a little, maybe keep them in the same room for a few minutes. Get a toy mouse or something and then play with them. If the cat gets uncomfortable then take her out for like 10 minutes. Give them 10-20 minute "sessions" together.

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