I have had my chinchilla for about a year and she is still very skittish. She will accept treats, and loves to come out of her cage to play, but she doesnt like to be taken out of the cage. Its always a struggle to get her out, and I am afraid that she is scared of me when I try to grab her. I know how to hold a chinchilla because I have looked it up online.
I have recently been sitting with a treat so that she has to climb up to my hand or my lap to get it. She is very indecisive and will come after about 30 mins of sitting there. I have heard many chinchilla owners say that their chinchilla always wants to see them, but mine doesnt. She also always tries to jump off of my shoulder and it makes me nervous.
Are there any tips of how to get more trust and interaction?
Also, do chinchillas like any games or just to run around by themselves? She seems to like her head scratched by thats about it.