
How do I get my co-sleeping 10 month old into a crib?

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I simply can't bring myself to let him "cry it out", which is what our doctor told me to do. Has anyone else been through this? When I put him in his crib he just wants to pull himself up to stand. I can't get him to settle down without having him in our bed and when I transfer him he wakes up every 20 mins.




  1. how I did it well am doing it is we have her crib ( converted to the day bed) Pushed next to our bed and slowly keep moving it day by day its a hard process and a bit frustrating she has her bad days where she still freaks out but hey that's parenthood right I still wouldn't change my

    co- sleeping desision if I had to do it again

  2. You should have thought of that before you started cosleeping. If you'd not of done that, you'd have been having sound sleep for months already.

    I am assuming the thumbs down are coming from other cosleeping mothers who obviously have no advice to give since they don't know any better either.

    Wait to long to transition him? In several months he will be ready for a toddler bed...your already past the point of waiting to long! Babies should be moved to the crib before 12 weeks for the easiest transition because they are less aware of their surroundings until then. After that - good luck!

  3. My doctor told me to put her in her crib and leave her there and in 10 min check on her then leave her again thin go back 20 min later and check her  again. and keep doubling the time until she falls asleep. but every time you check on her to tell her its ok mommy's here. so you can try that it worked for me. it took about 4 of 5 days and now i did not have to do it but every once and a while . but most of the time i can put her in her crib and she knows its bed time and she goes to sleep.  

  4. I love co-sleeping too! However, I understand the need (or the want) to have your room and your bed (and maybe even your love life) back. We let our daughter stay in bed with us until she was 19 months old. Luckily she made the transition easy on everyone. That was when we brought home her little brother and she decided on her own that 4 people in a queen size bed was just too many and ask to be put into her crib. Her brother wasn't as easy. We co-slept with him until he was about two. At that point he hated the idea of being put into a crib or a toddler bed and let everyone know it! So, my husband and I went out and bought a set of bunk beds that didn't HAVE to be bunked. We put his twin bed in our room and it was a slow process. We started by falling asleep together in our bed and then moving him to his. Then one of us would fall asleep with him in his bed. Then we eventually were able to put him to sleep on his own in his own bed in our room. Finally we made the move to his own room (he actually shared it with his sister) and we kind of started the whole process all over again until he was able to be put to sleep by himself, in his own bed in his own room. It was kind of long and drawn out and maybe not necessary to do it the way we did but it eventually worked! Plus, like you, we really enjoyed co-sleeping and everyone always got plenty of  sleep. Good luck!

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