
How do I get my corn snake to come out more?

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My corn snake is 2 years old, and he spends a large amount of his time underneath his log. How do I get him to be more active. He is in a 20 gallon tank. Should I get him a bigger one?




  1. well how hot is your tank?when did it eat last?and if your snake is a lot longer than your tank then yes you need a bigger tank. i have 2 snakes of my own ball Python's 1 is 3yrs and the other is about 7yrs.

  2. Sounds like your snake is scared. Fill the cage with foliage or something. The snake won't come out if it feels threatened or exposed. Because of this I don't suggest a bigger enclosure. Also, the tank needs to be hotter. Do you have a basking lamp and an under-tank heating pad? (BTW do NOT under any circumstances use a heating rock. They can seriously burn your snake).  

  3. yeah you should probably get him a new tank that's larger.

    I have 2 also that are less than 2 months old, but how many feet long is he??

  4. Should take him out more and handle him. Kind of play with him, you can do this every day if you want to. It works  I have my own corn snake, its a high-orange cornsnake.

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