
How do I get my dachshund to stop her barking???

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i have a 4 month old miniature dachshund.

she's barking all the times.. i got many complains from my neighbors..

How do I get my dachshund to stop her barking???

please help...!!




  1. stand in front of her when she is barking then when she stops (even for a minute) say "quiet" and then she will probably continue to bark. Say quiet again when she stops. Repeat multiple times. Eventually she will get it.

  2. This is hard to advise.  Is the dog only barking when you are not home? You are probably having the problem all the time.  Time to do some distraction techniques.  

    One thing I do for my little guy when I am home it to use a can of computer air.  When someone is at the door, he is allowed to alert me then I say quiet and he must be quiet.  I take the can of air and say quiet, then if he keeps barking, I release the air for the sound.  Do not point it at the dog but just make the scary sound.  You can also put popcorn in a plastic bottle and shake it.  You are just trying to get the dog to change his attention and to listen.

    Dachshunds are often too quick to sound the alarm at every new sight and sound. You have to be equally quick to stop them. Dachshunds should NEVER be left outside in your yard, unsupervised. I now keep mine in the garage when I am away.  

    They are such loving and personable dogs.  Here is a link to a good magazine where you can get all kind of advise from experienced weaner dog lovers

    Love my little guy who by the way is almost 16 years old with prostrate and liver cancer and who shines like a new penny and can still kick up his heels.  He gets fed a chicken stew I make every week just for him and a good quality kibble made by Innova.  

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