
How do I get my dad to stop being mad?

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I'm on my period and got snappy at my dad, so (understandably) he was upset with me. I recognize that it never feels good when someone snaps at you, so even though I apologized I didn't expect him to get over it in 5 minutes. But now it's pushing on two hours and he is still angry and has given me the silent treatment all night long. What can I do? I've given him time but he wants to stay angry. is there anything I can say or do I have to suffer through his bad attitude? I'm not excusing my behavior, but why does he still have to be mad? I have done and said worse things. I've copped bigger attitudes and he didn't stay mad this long? What's wrong?




  1. the same thing happened to me for the past 2 days. i would stay out of his way and not really talk to him.

  2. Maybe there's something else, more serious, he is angry about?

    Your short fuse with him may have been the cherry on the cake.

    Apologize once more, then keep out of the way. (Preferably doing chores, or something useful for your dad).

  3. Don't know how snappy you were or if this was the accumulation of several things, but maybe you hurt him more than you realize.  Two hours does not sound like that long to get over it .  Try again tomorrow Be sincere and do try hard to do better  (period or not)

  4. if he doesnt apologize dont talk to him for a few days he'll come around.

  5. did you explain that your just emotional because of that??

    and..he was probly just upset about somthing before that happend and it just made it worse...

    im sure you know how that is....everyone does...

    you may just have to wait it out...

    you could try saying sorry again...or just doing somthing sweet for him to make it up to him...

  6. Your dad is still angry because that is what he has chosen to do. You have no control over that, so there's no point in trying to find out what you can do to make him stop being angry.

    You apologized, that's it, there's nothing left for you to do, the rest is up to him now.

  7. Maybe he simply has had enough of a smartasx teenager. I don't care if you are on your period your responsblity as a child is to respect your father. It doesn't mean you have to agree with it but respect him. And when you realize that and learn to bite your tongue chances are he won't get so upset with you and if you are on your cycle you may not reazlie how hurtful and rude you really are being.

    And having done and said worse things is not an excuse he should bust your chops and maybe you'll stop!  

  8. I think you should go to your dad and give him a hug and tell him once again that you are sorry for your behavior and that it will NOT happen again. You see, when he sees that you are still treating him badly and you have not made an effort to stop, then he is probably saying to himself that 'you don't mean what you say'. Another wards, be accountable for your words. Don't say one thing, and then do the other. I don't think that it is your dad that has a bad attitude. It is you with the bad attitude especially when on your cycle. He is probably remaining quiet or staying away because with you now being on your cycle, he is being sensitive and maybe he wants to just stay away until you calm down.

    So, when you do apologize to your dad, MEAN IT! Don't do it again and again and again. Otherwise, you will be considered as a liar and not a man of your word (figure of speech). No more attitude with your dad. He is there to support you and raise you. So start respecting him because he is your dad.

    Sorry for being so forward. Your dad really loves you and he cares. Do the same for him. Treat others like you would want to be treated. Respect.  

  9. from experience I can tell you this.. men have chemical imbalances (just as woman have hormonal changes) and they get cranky and irritable, give him his space, pretend nothing is wrong, and try not to let his silent treatment get to you.  

  10. It might be that your Dad is not still mad , just staying out of your way while you are PMSing . He knows how  it is , after all he was married to yur mother so he has an idea how bad it can get . That is probably the case , not mad at all , just knows that as long as you are hurting and going through this he can not help in any way and he can not win whatever happens , so he is giving you lots of space so that the same argument or problem does not arrive again . It that is not the case , then go climb into his lap , bat yur pretty little eyelashes , put your armsw around his neck and say " I love you Daddy and bounce the eyelashes again . It will fold a Daddy's attitude every time and the mad will melt away from him .

  11. There may be something on his mind that has nothing to do with you even though whats on your mind has something to do with him.  Time ususally heals most things.  Let it go.  Just go do something and get out of his hair.  I think that must be what he wants at this time.  Then too maybe your over analysing this.  So chill!!!  

  12. Maybe your dad is mad about some other issues he is dealing with that have nothing to do with you.  Just give him a few days to cool down and then try talking to him again.  But I have to say you seem like a very mature young lady to have the courage to go to him after bad words were said and be the bigger person and apologize first.  That shows very strong character on your part.

  13. He'll come around, he's your dad.  If he's gotten over bigger things faster, there may just be something else going on with him that doesn't involve you. Just try talking to him, and apologize again so he knows you're serious and aren't just saying it.

  14. he was probably frustrated about something else before you snapped at him (understandably, periods suck). just give him time, he'll come around. he's just having a bad day. after all, he's your dad and he'll forgive you no matter what. he's probably already forgiven you... maybe he's annoying about something else. either way just give him time, and it'll be better tomorrow.

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