
How do I get my dad to stop smoking? Please Help!!?

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My dad recently had a triple bypass surgery because of his smoking and then tried to quit. he didn't smoke for over a month but now I see him doing it all the time again. I usually tell him to stop but he won't listen and just says he needs one every once in a while. But this weekend alone i've seen him smoke like 10 (which is ten more then he should have). And lately he's been coughing like crazy and losing hios voice. How can I get to stop because I'm really worried about his health!!!!




  1. Tell him upfront while you have his utmost attention, or just let him do what he wants. It's his life, he has a right to do as he wishes. Even if it makes him an ***.

  2. tell your dad straight up right before he lights a cigarette and tell him dad you are Putin your self to an early grave and say that every time he smokes takes hours away from his life and then tell him what you love more cigarettes or your son and walk way and see what he does.

    sorry if you think i was to harsh you dont have to do what i say.  

  3. Your dad is going to have to decide for himself.  Smoking is a crutch that some of us have a hard time letting go of.  Tell him to try Chantix, it's the best stop-smoking aid I've found.

  4. You can't. He has to want to stop smoking to actually quit. It's up to him.  

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