My daughter has slept in her own bed since she was born. I was very adamant about it because my mother let me sleep in her bed and I did until I was 10 years old. Just within the past 6 weeks she has started getting up in the middle of the night and getting in my bed. This is every night. Well now she is getting to the point where she wants to lay in my bed to just fall asleep. Last night my husband went and laid down with her, in her bed, to get her to fall asleep. She told him it wasn't fair that mommy had somebody to sleep with every night and she didn't. She will play her daddy's emotions like a fiddle. I am 28 weeks pregnant and there is not enough room in the bed for all three of us and I hate to see the disaster when the new child comes. I wake up in pain. Also, we can't have s*x first thing in the morning like I want. This has got to come to a screeching hault today. What should I do? I am a stay at home mom and I am with my child 24/7, can I get some alone time?