
How do I get my deposit back?

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I moved out of rented accommodation on 1st August and I have not received my deposit back yet. As far as I am aware, there is nothing wrong with the property I left and it was clean and in the same condition as it was when I moved in. I have not had any phone calls or letters regarding the matter from the letting agent other than the calls I have made to them to chase the matter up. I thought they had to return the deposit within so many days of the tennancy ending. Anyone ny advice on what I can do??




  1. It can takes as long as the landlord is satisfied that you don't owe any money to the authorities: council tax, benefits...

    If it was to do go to court, the landlord needs to prove that the amount of time taken to give you your deposit was "reasonable".

    However, it usually paid back within a month though.

    Give them a call to remind them :)

  2. Its always a hassle trying to get your deposit back from private landlords, they will try and scam you out of it in any way they can!!

    What did the letting agent say when you called them?

    You should get ur deposit back, with interest.

  3. You need to call them and ask for it back - it's not in their interests to chase you to give it back so you need to be proactive... Depending on when you started your tenancy may affect who holds the monies, as the other poster stated the law changed in the last couple of years meaning the deposit is held by a independent 3rd party.

    I don't know what it is with people these days do you expect everything to fall at your feet or something? Pick up the phone and find out!!!

  4. Hi, usually you would recieve your deposit back if the place was left in good condition with nothing broken. You should try and phone them up and ask to speak to someone in charge regarding the matter and, if you can, go and speak to them in person.

    Hope this helps

  5. Go to the place and raise h**l.I once had it with Winkworth and i told them

    i was selling the deposit to a collection agency.They paid up.

  6. You don't say when you started the tenancy or if it's an assured short-hold. If you paid your deposit on or after 6 April 2007, your deposit will be protected by new rules. There are two schemes the landlord the landlord can enter in to. In the custodial scheme, your landlord pays the deposit into the scheme and the scheme looks after it. The deposit will earn interest which will be paid back with the deposit when you move out. In an insurance-based scheme, your landlord keeps the deposit, but has to pay insurance to the scheme.

    You should get your deposit back within 10 days of leaving the property. You need to speak to a specialist housing adviser at the CAB.  

  7. Chase the agent, they will do their utmost to keep hold of YOUR cash

  8. Some landlords and agency's like to hold on to deposits as their own cash!  The law has changed recently on this and it is fully on your side.  Demand your full deposit back and get some free legal advice from your local Citizens advice Bureau.

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