For my GCSE textiles coursework, I have chosen to design an original textiles product suitable for children from birth upwards. Other pupils who've chosen this option are designing things such as height charts & play mats.To all parents, is there anything that you feel you need for your child but the market does not offer it? For example, you can buy things to put in the trolley seat at the supermarket with things for your child to do to prevent them from pulling items off the shelves. My mum says that she'd have wanted one of those when I was younger. So, is there anything you wish you could have for your child? Or are there any particular times when your child is bored? Or are there times when your child injures themselves?e.g My sister used to hit her face on the safety gate at the top of the stairs so we attatched cloth around it. 1 person answered this question earlier, she wished there was somewhere safe to put her child when using a public toilet! Any other problems you face?