
How do I get my dog to bark at the dog?

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Ok lets get this straight right off the bat... i love my dog i take really good care of him, and i don't want him to be MEAN... I don't want him to bite people, so i would appreciate serious answers only, i don't need people replying to it like i some horrible person Ok...

I simply would like some training tips about how to train my dog to bark at the door if this is at all possible, he barks all the time at every thing else except the door and was wondering if any one had ay suggestions




  1. Does he know the command "speak?"

    when the doorbell rings, or their a knock, command "speak" a few times and praise him when he does the right thing.  

  2. Simply look at your dog when the door bell goes off or when their is someone knocking.

    In an excited voice filled with anticipation ask your dog "who is it?"

    Start to get up and ask your dog again "who is it?"

    Make a game out of it, when he/she gets excited enough, she/he will bark. At that point, lavish the praise on your pooch.

    Soon enough your dog will know to woof at the door when the doorbell rings.  

  3. Instead of trying to get him to bark only at the door, try training him to not bark at anything but the door. When he is barking at things that you don't want him to, just say no and firmly hold his snout in your hand for a few seconds. (wild dogs grab at each others snout when they want them to stop something.) Eventually he will get the point.

  4. Sit inside with the dog and have a friend outside to knock at the door....Jump up and make a commotion and encourage the dog to bark. But frankly, intruders rarely knock and waltz in through the front door so you are better off having your friend make strange noises like trying the doorknob, prying at it, scraping at the window, etc. and encourage the dog to react to those.

  5. Try telling your dog to Speak when she is at the door. Try it once at first and if she doesn't listen, try saying Speak a couple more times to your dog.

    Also, if u don't want him to bark at anything, but the door, then say "No bark" firmly to him, but while u say "No bark" do not say his name. you may have to say it a few times.

    I have a dog and whenever I want to give her a treat she has to do sit, paw, and Speak. Try saying Speak about 3 or 4 times to your dog. Sometimes my dog begs so I say "No beg" firmly to her.

  6. your dog is behaving through your personality you probably arent a very apprehensive person i might even go as far to say that your friends say that everyone is you friend thats why they re called mans best friend they have your best interest at heart. so you know what you gotta do start feeling alittle skeptical of those who you might not really know.

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