My husband treats our puppy like his little princess - he lets her get away with murder. I correct her through punishment (she hates water, so I always have the spray bottle full of water to let her know that she is out of line) and he gets upset with me. The other night she decided that she was going to open the top of the garbage can to get some honeydew melon that was in the can. My husband just watched her and did nothing to stop it! She later on got into the honeydew melon & when I pulled her away from it, she bit me. She did this again last night because she smelled some meat that we ate for dinner & my husband played on his computer rather than do anything about it. I shooed her away from the trash can when I saw her. I prepared a cup with some water earlier in case she decided to be a little pain in the @$$ again, and sure enough she was at it. I watched her getting into the trash can while my husband slept on the couch & splashed her with the cool water. She yelped and ran away & I cleaned up the spilled water. Later on she was aggressive with my husband growling & biting him. He tells me today that I should not splash her with water again because she got aggressive with him!!! I could not believe this!!! The dog has humped his hand on several occassions, and is constantly l*****g the inside of his mouth. These are two things that she has never done to me. She actually knows that with me she'd better act right or else she is in big trouble - and she will stop whatever bad behavior she is doing.
I don't know what the heck to do - I've been to puppy school with her and my husband, and even though she graduated, I don't think it has taught either of them to do what they should be doing.
I am to the point of not wanting to interact with either the dog (or my husband for that matter) and am really at a crossroads. I've been so tired since we moved from one town to another and my husband has been doing little to get stuff moved into the new house. When I come home from working, I have laundry to clean, dinner to cook, unpacking to do & cleaning up whatever the puppy has decided to destroy during the time that we are gone for work (or wherever she has decided to go to the bathroom that isn't in her potty box)
Constructive suggestions would be wonderful! Thanks!