
How do I get my dog to stop staren at me constantly?

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She's a lab/pit mix about 8 years old. She is originally my boyfriend's dog, and I've only had her for 2 years. Ever since I moved in with my boyfriend, she CONSTANTLY stares at me. It's rather annoying. I walk her regularly, and she gets plenty of exercise and a balanced diet.

When she stares at me for a bit, I tell her no, and it does avert her attention, but not even 2 minutes later, she's back to staring at me.

Not only that, she has to sit where she can see me. My bf doesn't understand why I get annoyed so easily, well, of course he doesn't, she doesn't stare at him 24-7!

Any suggestions on how to correct this behaviour? Thanks!




  1. She is trying to achieve dominance over you. Stare back at her. If she does not move her eyes away, use a verbal command. When she shifts her eyes away, praise her for submitting to you. After a while, she will stop trying to challenge you.

  2. Try giving her something that will distract her for longer. Perhaps a toy? When my puppy is being annoying, I give him his "Everlasting Treat Ball." Its a great new toy that you can get at most pet stores. Its a rubber ball that holds a super hard treat that the dog can't devour in only two seconds. They love it! Its only around 6 dollars and its worth every penny. Try one on your girl, I bet you anything she will pay more attention to that ball then she will trying to stare at you! :)

  3. she loves u and wants to make sure that every move u make she wants to be with u.i always have 3 pairs of eyes watching my every move and at times my border collie will jump up and stare face to face just for the heck of it and my ole husky will come unexpectedly and flop on me and stick his face into mind and getting his 105 lbs off can be tough. the little poochi will sit and stare up at me and whine and bark until i pet him or get him his toys.when ur dog does this she is showing ur her love and wants u to know she is there for u. try staring back at her then give her a chew toy or rawhide to get her mind on it instead. good luck

  4. Maybe you shouldn't look so pretty around her :)  LOL.  Actually, she probably just does it out of love and loyalty for you.  Maybe she wasn't used to all the attention and walks, etc. before you came along and maybe she's just trying to show you her love and appreciation.  Or maybe she's just trying to get used to "another woman" around.  Before you came along, she was the only woman, now she has to share.  She might even be a bit jealous.  Who knows?  Animals can be silly, but they also can be very loving and loyal.  Just give her time to adapt :)  And if she doesn't stop staring, it's only out of love.  It's better than having an animal that growls at you and bites you and is mean to you, right?  

  5. She sounds protective. My little Husky girl does the same thing. It's quite disturbing really... She'll sit on the couch with me when I read and I'll just look up and she's sitting there... right beside me... looking... I don't see why it bothers you so... I feel honored my dog is so protective over me! =D Thankfully, she doesn't get dominant.  

  6. I think she loves you more than bf. I suspect that you do most for her?

    You mean a world for her. If you do not want this, ask him to do what you have been doing.

  7. why does her staring annoy you so much? and the fact that she sits where she can see you probably means that she trusts you and feels safe with you.

    was she a rescue or adopted from a bad home? because dogs that have been abused or neglected or were strays will bond VERY closely with a new owner. i adopted my dog from a shelter and she does the same thing, she like to be in the same room with me, wants to know where I am at all times, sleeps right next to me to "guard" my bedroom and sits right outside the bathroom door when I'm in there. she even turns her back on me in protest if she knows that i am getting ready to leave the house. but it doesn't annoy me, in fact, it's one of the reasons I love her.

    but get her some bones and toys to occupy her time. and if it really bothers you that much, ignore her when she starts staring at you. don't respond or even look at her. any attention (even negative) is good attention to a dog. they live for your attention....that's why they're called "man's best friend."

    you are missing out on alot by choosing to look at your dog's behavior as an annoyance. you are her world, give her a little slack. :)

  8. Maybe she fancies you! looooool!

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