
How do I get my dwarf hamster to climb up her tubes?

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I have a three-story hamster cage that connects its floors through tubes, but my dwarf robo hamster doesn't seem to understand that she can climb up there. I tried to put her up on the second level, but all she did was jump off. I'm afraid to try again in case she hurts herself. How do I get her to go up the tubes?




  1. dwarf hamster dont like climbing but try to put her in the tube

  2. they might not always want to go in their tubes or the tubes are to big.

  3. Dwarf hamsters are generally not the climbing tube types like syrian hamsters. Only the most adventurous among the dwarfs do that, others are all pretty docile and would ignore the vertical tubes in their cages for life.

    You can try to encourage her by placing treats mid way through the tubes so that she climbs up to get them. Do this a dozen times and she might get used to climbing the tubes.

    However if she still shies away from the tubes, best is to let her be. I have a Habitrail Playground cage with lots of tubes and 7 dwarf hamsters but none would climb the tubes when I had them vertical. Now I have attached those tubes horizontally to the ground and they love playing in the tubes now. Maybe if your cage allows that flexibility, you can make them horizontal too, then your robo would take to the tubes.

  4. Dwarfs to not naturally climb.  I'm guessing you have a critter trail three.  The tubes may be to large for her to climb up if she is still a baby.  As an owner of a robo dwarf myself [Petra], I found it hard to train her to go up tubes, well actually to go in tubes at all!  here are the steps that I did:

    1)  get a toilet paper roll tube or an extra one and place treats inside.  Because she loved them so much she couldn't resist the treats and had to go inside to get it.   After about 2 days she seemed comfortable to go in a tube.

    2) I began placing her near the tube to see if she would feel comfortable enough to go up naturally. [she didn't]

    3) Then I tried to place some ground up treats [the whole treat wouldn't stay], in the tube to entice her up.  It took a long time but Petra finally went up the tube.  Well she didn't know how to get down or she was to afraid.

    4)  I then placed her on the shelf and put a treat at the bottom of the tube to get Petra to try and reterieve the treat.  

    It took a long time but she eventually was able to go up and down the tubes like it was nothing.

    I really hope this information helps!!

  5. all you do is by some treats and put it on first story 2n'd and therd he'll come up

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