
How do I get my girlfriend to stop cutting and putting herself down?

by  |  earlier

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My girlfriend when ever she gets upset or we have a fight. She starts blaming herself. She calls her self a **** up and says all these nasty things about her self. I tell i love her and how much she really means to me and try to get her to not be so depressed over it. Bring her spirits up. She cuts as her feel good moment and i don't like it. I tell her yea that was ur choice i dont belive it was a very good one and its you body but i love you and i really don't like you to hurt your self. I try and talk to her bout it but she says that dosen't help. Im not sure what els to do?




  1. Wow, I had a best friend like that, turns out she was to much for me. I used to be like that. I think that your best bet is to let her get on with it I know it hurts to see her do it, and I'm sorry you have to go through it, but there is one thing I know it's hard to get people like me and her to seek help or talk about our problems etc. You may disagree with my way about handling my mate, I just told her to shut up and stop being stupid because I knew it wasn't true and so did she, and if she tried to cut or burn her self I would take her stuff away and talk to her for a bit, tell her how silly shes being, all that she was talking was bullshit and I wouldn't let her do it. I don't know if this helps you but it helped me, but I'm a mean *****

  2. Usually when someone cuts themselves its because theres something going on and shes not telling you.  I used to be a cutter and I remember the day I started was the day I remembered previous sexual abuse from my childhood.  Ofcourse a few people knew I was cutting, like my best friend for example but she had no idea.  I also hated myself and she knew something was wrong but I kept my mouth shut for soo long.  It was stupid of me because cutting is so addictive.  Think of it in terms of a drug.  Once your on it, its very very hard to stop.  So I did eventually tell her everything, and Im glad I did because now Im in counseling and its really helpful.  Maybe thats something you want to think about and talk over with your girlfriend.  Counseling is great, and Im no longer cutting because of it.  And I think it would really help her.  But in the end, this is not your fight, its hers, and sometimes all you can do is be there for her.  So if she refuses to see someone and if she insists on living this lifestyle, you cant do much to stop her.....but I wish you luck!

  3. She needs a good lay, help her find a good boyfriend.

  4. hummm tell here that she is a great person and let her know you there and that you really care but it's hard to stop. she should see a counselor  

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