
How do I get my guinea pig out of its hidy house?

by  |  earlier

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I got this new cage the other day with a little attached hidy house in the corner.

I have to take my guinea pig out every day to hold her but now I cant get her out!

I put my hand in, calm her town by talking softly and patting her, then grab her under her stomach to lift her out.

But when I get to the door she somehow wriggles out of my hand and back where she started in the corner.

I have tried many times, but my hand is in an awkward position to get her out.

Please help me Thanx....




  1. put some food in ur hand in put it in the cage with ur hand still holdin on.

  2. Get some Timothy Hay and put it through the bars at the front of the cage and he should come and get it. He obviously does not like being grabbed so try to limit that. He should soon warm up to his new cage and you if you use the hay.

  3. just give her some time, she'll come out when she's ready. My piggy did the same thing. Good luck! :)

  4. using fire to get here out,

    no just remove the top and put a lock on it that way you can open it to get at her and close it  so that she can have peace

  5. Guinea pigs are prey animals and when in their cage get nervous when something takes them out of their 'safe haven'. I would remove the attached hidey and just put in a Pigloo. If you can't fit a Pigloo the cage is WAY too small for a guinea pig.

  6. see could be having baby's or just rip of the firkin hidy house

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