
How do I get my hair to lay down?

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I have the queen mother of all cow licks, and it goes clear across the back of my head. It first became an issue about six years ago when I was flat on my back for a month due to a slipped lumbar disc. It comes and goes, but now I make Don King look sane! I look like I flunked out of electricians school! What do I do, short of shaving my head spear bald?




  1. haha well if you were a girl I would say use a staightner and lots of product, but since your a boy... hmm... I dont know if theres much you can do but shave it all off if it bothers you that much :(  Perhaps you can put gel in it and make a messy look to disguise it. Or even better, consult a hairdresser, they'll know what to do. :)

  2. Dont wash it.

  3. Try some different hair products..I recommend mousse or putty or something heavy.

  4. After washing blow dry it into a normal growth pattern and use some serum/hair spray to keep it in position.

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