
How do I get my hamster to let me hold her? ?

by  |  earlier

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She runs away from me whenever I go to hold her to get her.

I think it's just because she is a baby...

Please answer :]




  1. You should just try to get her used to your hand first, like hold your hand inside the cage for a while.  She will probably get curious and come out to sniff your hand, don't make any sudden movements.  Then after you do that for a few days you might have to just grab her and force her the first couple of times until she realizes you don't mean her any harm.  

  2. Hamsters are usually very weary of human contact. With enough time and patience however, they can begin to trust you and make great pets. You should first allow your hamster to get used to your scent. The next step is to hold your hamster, but this should be done inside its cage, if enough room (this will allow the hamster to feel safe, and prevent a big fall if she decides to jump from your hands). Gently scoop your hamster up with two hands, along with some bedding. This will prevent any nips. Then slowly sift the bedding out between your fingers. Once the hamster is directly on your skin you should begin to pet her whole body, gently. You should do this consistently until you guys form a bond and she learns to trust you. It does take some time, but its worth the effort.

    Good luck!

  3. Its all about gaining trust. If its a new hamster introduce yourself to it by taking a sunflower seed and putting it in your palm. Then lay it flat on the bottom of the cage and let the hamster come and investigate. Sniff you out and determine you are not a threat. Do this till you think it feels comfortable enough with your hand in the cage (a week or so). Then the next step is to lift it out of the cage but not with your hand yet. I would put like an old toilet paper roll (with the toilet paper all off, make sure your hamster can fit in and out easily from the middle) and set it in there. Let the hamster climb in then lift it out. This will get it accustomed to being out of the cage and let them know that this is also okay. Good Luck!

  4. You have to be consistent  catch and hold her and pet her for  about 30 mins every day several times a day. This should show her that it is nice for you to hold her, she just doesn't know , she probably thinks you are going to kill  her. So you have to show her you will just love her.;

  5. Try putting a treat in your hand

  6. If you just got your hamster you should not try to handle it for the first two weeks. You should spend a lot of time at the cage so the hamster gets used to seeing and hearing you and try to offer treats. Many hamsters will not initially take a treat from your hand at first so just lay it in the cage.

    After a few weeks your hamster should have grown accustomed to your voice, smell, and its surroundings and will be ready for handling. Start slowly, holding the hamster in a safe place for a few minutes at a time, a couple times a day. Make sure that your hamster won't get hurt if he jumps from your hand - hold him on a bed or close to the floor. I always give my hamster a treat after he's been handled so he knows there is a reward at the end.

    Unless you have a very friendly hamster, don't be too disappointed if your hamster never runs to your hand to be held. I've only had one that would come over to the cage door when I came for a visit and he always climbed right out onto my hand. The rest mostly try to hide or resist being taken from the cage. To help them get over this, I leave the cage door open (while I'm in attendance) and wait for them to get curious enough to come out. Then I pick them up and offer a treat.

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