
How do I get my horse to gallop to the barrels instead of lope?

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My horse does enjoy barrel racing but we've just got started in it. She will lope to the barrels and when she getes there she trots around the barrels. So how do I get her to gallop to the barrels and lope around them? I tried squeezing with my legs and kissing-found out she doesn't like if I kick. So any suggestions? I really want her to know to gallop to the barrels. Thanks




  1. move your reins up a little and just give her some head.

    also kick and/or squeeze. that should work

    it works for my horse Poncho :)

  2. First of all....relax....

    Your horse is more prone to listen if you relax.

    Secondly....if you can't get her to gallop in a straight line, work on that before you ltry the pattern.

    Perhaps she is slowing down because she has no pocket to push from. When making a pocket, you should almost sidepass the horse 4 or 5 feet from the barrel, then ask for inside bend and push her off your outside leg. Since this is almost like your cue to lope, she should pick up her shoulder and drive herself forward. She also might be bored with the pattern. If you practice her every day, she will get bored and irritable at the gate and the start of the pattern. I limit my two horses barrel and other high-speed events to once a week practice (and one competition for the conditioned horse). My younger gelding has a different mind set and gets bored with the same work day in and day out. Give your mare variety and make barrels exciting for her. When you are finished you pattern really praise her and baby her. One final thought might be to only really gallop at competitions because she will have been waiting for it and really be revved up. I geuss what I'm trying to say is to make it FUN! Horses love having fun while working. Running the pattern should be their highlight.

    Happy running!

  3. Move the reins up her neck (give her her head) and she'll speed up.

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