
How do I get my horse to start to canter?

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I am going to a friends and her teacher is going to test me to see if I can canter ( english style). I usually ride western and the last time I cantered english was 3 years ago! Please help.




  1. All you really have to do is put your hands a little forward, push with your outside leg, and kiss.  If the horse doesn't go, give a tight squeeze with both legs, and if still not, then give a kick.

    As you get more advanced, you learn to set the horse up for the canter.  For example, when I go to canter, I wiggle my outside rein while using some outside leg pressure behind the girth... that way I can get my horse to angle its hind end off of the rail.  Then I angle my body a little in to the center of the arena, give a little with my outside rein, squeeze a little with my inside rein, then use my outside leg and kiss.

    Really, the canter cue is very much the same for english as for western.  You really don't have to worry about doing anything different than you normally do.

  2. Inside leg on the girth,and gently pull on the rein at the same time!It is easy!

    good luck!

  3. The aids for cantering in an english saddle are basically the same as western, so just do what you normally do (outside leg behind the girth, inside leg on the girth).

  4. The cue is exactly the same, you just have a shorter stirrup for english riding.  Inside leg stays still, outside leg back, squeeze with both legs, flex the inside rein very gently to encourage the horse to take the proper lead and you have it.

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