
How do I get my horses head up?

by  |  earlier

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When i canter my horse, he shoves his head right down and bolts. It takes me ages to get him back under control. Please help. :(

He is a 16.2hh IDxTB, not on feed that would heat him and is fine in trot and walk. He is english ridden and has a flash noseband and snaffle mouth.




  1. My horse used to do this! What i had to do was everytime he did it i turned him in circles so he couldn't go really fast, then pull his head up. He soon stopped doing it once he realised everytime he did it i made him stop!

  2. kick him in the bollocks

  3. bolting horses don't usually put their heads down.  i suspect that his mouth is sore, perhaps his teeth could be checked or possibly his saddle is very uncomfortable when you ask for canter.  so check the saddle.  get a vet to check that he has no back problems.  if everything is ok.  then i suggest you go to someone very experienced and ask for advice.  don't always canter at the same place as they expect that even if you don't.  bolting is a dangerous vice especially if alongside a road.  if possible turn into circles to slow and then finally stop him.  if all that fails then it might mean riding him in a stronger bit as a last, but safe resort.

    good luck.

  4. as in off or up

  5. Maybe because he doesn't like being unable to open his mouth properly and is trying to relieve the pressure.

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