
How do I get my husband to talk to me ?

by Guest62971  |  earlier

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pls give practical answers




  1. to be honest men wont talk to you unless there is a problem, they want something, or you start the conversation.

    so as long as he isn't talking to you there is nothing wrong.

    99% of all women don't understand men. men only want 3 things..... s*x, food, and silence. THATS IT

  2. You haven't given us much to go on here.  Are there other marital problems here?  Is he rude or just non-communicative?  Is he like this with everyone or just you?  Is he otherwise affectionate?

    The next time you do manage a conversation, spend a few moments and pay attention to how you spend this time-  Do you monopolize a conversation when you are in it?  Do you offer advice when all he wanted was someone to listen to him?  Do you belittle his opinions?

    A huge piece of being a good conversationalist is being a good listener.  Learn more about what he is interested in and perhaps he will open up.

  3. Did you marry a talkative man?  Was he always talking with you before the wedding.  He is not going to change now dear.  Try to find a time when he is not doing anything particular and talk with him about talking.  IF you need more communication from him , say so. He can't know what you want and need if you do not tell him.

    You might have to learn to talk with your girlfriends.  Men are not big talkers especially if it is the "relationship" you want to talk about.

  4. Well i thnk there must be some problem regarding his work or may be with u .otherwise husband apni wife se baat na kare .not possible .There is some problem .u must talk to him very nicely and in a ease manner so that he will also feel confartable with u.Afterall ur his wife.BEST OF LUCK

  5. Why isn't he talking to you in the first place? Maybe wait after he comes home after work and just ask him to come sit down with you and talk about it.

    Dress up, see if he wants to make plans to go to dinner or a movie, that'll give reason to talk and if you see a movie that will be something to talk about! :]

    If this just came out of nowhere, he is probably upset about something or very stressed, maybe you could help him?

    The main thing is, find out what's wrong and why he doesn't want to talk without being too nosy and without getting angry yourself.

    I hope this helps! :]

  6. I had a similar problem. My wife used to complain to me that I don;t talk. Actually, it's not that I don;t talk or I don;t WANT to talk, but the thing is my taste was a little different than hers and hence found it difficult to actively participate in active discussions/ conversations. I realized this and asked her to read/ watch/ study stuff which I preferred talking about and did the same for myself - I started reading books that generally interests women :). I didn't tell her why I'm asking her to do this because I didn;t want her to feel inferior/ bad or low about it because there's nothing like that. We were just trying to reach upto each other's psyche and to understand what would interest her the most and vice versa, and we ARE doing good since then. I still watch a lot of TV, play games on PC, hang out, basically with no changes day-to-day life than earlier but now we have more relevant discussions with each other and more satisfying ones. Hence, my suggestion to you is, start this by talking to him about his favorite movie and his favorite scene and take it up from there. trust me he's going to ask you which one is yours!! Tell me if this helps.. me will wait.

  7. I personally think if he is not talking to you.

    You need to go away for a while ...... try a friends or

    family and give yourself both time for some space.

    It is amazing how time can clear the air and give you both

    some good thinking space.

    So to answer your question simply , i would say pack

    your bags.!

  8. Well,if your husband stopped talking to you...maybe it's because you don't spend quality time with you guys relationship.If thats not it go on vacation with him and stay close around him and by his side.Spend as much time with him and tell him your feelings maybe he might just speak to you.

  9. I can understand your feelings.

    First try to find out why he don't speck with you and then thy to talk with him the way he like. May be the way you express yourself to him he didn’t like.

    So try to find out the root of the problem so that it will facilitate you to solve easily

  10. Well, is he mad?  Or, is he distant?  Or, is he just in tune with the tv?

    Do you want to talk about any one thing or just talk in general?  Some guys just don't talk.  

  11. start ignoring him d same he is doing wid u......

    1.if he loves u dan he vl automaticlly start talking 2 u....

    2.if after dat he vl not change den....wid dat kindaa ******* *** hole ....y wl u live

  12. You have not mentioned the problem. Very simple - sort out the problem & he'll talk to you. If you have done something wrong then ask him to excuse you & if he has then let him come or else if you love him so much then you have to proceed & talk to him.

  13. 1. tell him there is a stain on his shirt.

    2. tell him he is dumb (optional)

    3. tell him he has a great voice.

    4. ask him how much he spends for the house every month and on what?

    5. ask him if your friends called when you were away?

    *****the best way you can get him to talk to you is to invite neighbors or relatives home and involve him in a conversation. he simply cannot stay dumb ******

  14. first u have to talk about wat u disided then u must talk  if their is no anwser then u also stop talking 4 1or2 days i think it will be work this is simple exersize. but we dont know about detail (situation) we dont gess & give the answer ok its practical answer

    try to find smoothly otherwise .........................

  15. hmmm! just convey him all the suggestion you have recieved from differnt Yahoo Answers members:)

    men actually need his spouse to be very caring. if hez angry, he want wife to say sorry. my wife usally let me shouting on her while i m angry.. and when my angry goes away.. she politely tell me the whole story what are the fact behind this negligence etc etc.


    Shery - Pakistan

  16. hi, most of the mens dont like any think about their wife rather they find intrested to talk to other girls,, wat ever u r to them how well u take care about ur husband still some mens dont show any kind of simpathy or they try to avoid ,,,and they dont like talking more to their wife, so first find out wat he is up to and try to solve the problem, if this does not works then be comm  get involved in other works make ur self bussy their r many things to do in life instead of taking tensions about the same, get bussy, make ur husband to fell y you r hurted....

  17. dont start by saying things that sound like blaming ie "you upset me when" or "why cant you etc" or "you always etc"

    keep calm and explain how you feel about things without laying blame.

    like "it upsets me that we cant talk properly" and " i would like it if "

    good luck and if all else fails try relationship counselling.

  18. first of all see his mood. depend on his mood plz come in contact with him. talk sweetly with him about his interesting subject.

      Don't do opposite activity which don't like him.

  19. by keeping quiet after telling him that you want to hear him.

    keep TV and newsa papers away

    keep children and in-laws and pets away.

    be patient and listen to him. do not snap or cut him short

  20. Do you respect your husband?

    If you are not respectful he will clam up.

    Check out the love & respect book and web site.

  21. I don't know the answer to that question.  I still haven't figured out how to get my soon to be x husband to improve on his communication skills.  

  22. just to sit face to face and discuss what went wrong in between u 2 so when i have any problem i do the same and every thing comes to normal position

  23. you don't get him to talk to you , he has to come and talk to you , if he don't than , you ask him the reason why , there is always an answer  

  24. Start a conversation - ask him open ended questions that need more than a yes or no answer, but be smart and ask questions about him.  things he likes, things he did, topics around his interests.  Allow him to lead from there.  Or, start a question jar and list things to ask that you think will spark his words and pull one from there when you are "stuck" for something to say.  Just watch to make sure you don't dominate the conversations all the time, but don't be a doormat either and allow him to do the same.  Look for a balance in the give and take.

    good luck!

  25. Women talk far more than men do, it is a fact.  Maybe it is your perception.  The amount of talking he does might be in the norm for a man.  Women talk enough for both the sexes.

  26. Some people don't have relationship skills. If your husband was a product of a broken home, sometimes those children grow up to be adults to shut others out from a fear of another broken home.

    If you have tried everything, and you are at the end of your rope, consider talking with a counselor either with or without him, and that will help you make the right decision.

  27. Try to talk about things that interest him. Things that he's involved with. People in general will talk forever on their profession, their expertise, their hobbies. If that doesn't work, then talk about your sexual relationship and techniques and how you guys can make it better. Men tend to enjoy, even if it's just to talk about it, exploration and fantasies. Push each others boundaries and make the journey together. Talk comes from challenging each other ideals as well.

  28. Very hard to convert a non-talker into a talker - but

    Select the right time - often right after a meal - you are both sitting there limited distractions.

    Right location - not in bed, never when he's in front of tv

    Dont raise problems - look for solutions together - ask opininion on a way to approach something -  

  29. U hav to attract him, for that u can change the way u look, the way u dress, use some perfume, prepare some food that he likes, n please dont load him with all u want to discuss, rather try to find out what he wants to discuss or talk about.

  30. Take care of him, do whatever he likes, changes yourself according to him, do what he want, not argue on anything.

  31. hai..i wat u ask a question...dont u ever seen any one of the tamil movie r hindi move......they have a solutin to have the husbant to fall under the feet of woman........dress..nicely with fulll exposed when u husband come from office welcom her with sweet smil and give some thing he likes to eat.....then make the room u sleep clesn and perfume it...sit by her side in aromantic way in such a way...u expose u beauty..u have this u in heaven that night and the reminin night....

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