
How do I get my little brother to obey me?

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He is so annoying. I've done everything to get him to obey me. From asking him politely, to getting into violent fights. He doesn't care if I tease him, he doesn't care if I take away his favorite toy. He doesn't like anything. I can't threaten him or do anything, and he's always bothering me. He's only 8 years old, and he watches family guy. Please help.




  1. I think he watches to many bad television shows,  which make his attitude become violent,  not respectful,  no morals.  Maybe you should see what he is watching and explain that is bad for him to watch,  and should be a good model to your brother,  teach him the right conduct,  right way to behave.

  2. Tell your parents he will not obey you.Tell them they need to punish him if he  disobeys.

  3. Totally ignore him don't say a word to him no matter what he does let him get bored with you or do anything for your attention then when he is at the point of giving in speak to him. it will be a relief and he will probably do what you ask.  

  4. Hide. They only get worse. I've had the same problem as you for what feels like forever (my brother's 13), and honestly? The best thing you can do is ignore him trying to annoy you, ask him nicely, treat him nicely, and spend a lot of time locked in your room.

    There is hope, though - mine's become more bearable since I moved out.

  5. try and find things that you guys like to do together.  Then maybe take him to do those ould get him away from tv and also gove you guys some good brotherly bonding time.  It might not work but it is worth a try.  As the oldest of 5 kids, I get where you are coming from. lol.

    Good Luck!!!

  6. I have the same problem with my bro, but its gotten better. Find something you two both like to do together that you won't fight over. (example: board game, websites, bike ride, etc.) and try to bond with him. he is not going to listen to someone he doesn't like. be friendly and act like a teacher. there are good days and bad days for all siblings, but try to get along as much as you can. when me and my brother fight I try to bring up something funny afterwards (Iike an inside joke) to distract him from the battle.  

  7. obey you?  if your parents didnt teach him to respect you, you will have fights.  you probably wont get along until youre adults and their influences wont affect his younger sibling attitude so much.  

  8. Hug and kiss him. Tell him that if he doesn't listen to you, you will keep on doing it.

  9. Well 1st of all, your little brother isn't really required to obey you. It's his parents who he must obey, & as his older brother you don't really have the same status in the family.

    It's only when your parents delegate their responsibility to you ie: as a baby sitter, that he must obey you. But he's still actually obeying your parents, with you acting as their agent.

    What you actually want from your little bro, is his co-operation. Perhaps if you changed your thinking to go along with those lines it would help you to bring more harmony into your relationship with him.

    Instead of commanding him to obey you, I suggest that you negotiate with him. In order to negotiate with him you need to find out what his currency is. Since he takes so much pleasure out of annoying you, I'm willing to bet that his currency with you is your attention.

    By offering to spend some quality time with him playing his favourite game or something, you can negotiate better behaviour & co-operation from him. If he doesn't co-operate then you can withold your attention from him until he decides he likes doing things your way better.

    Just remember this, your little brother isn't likely to look at you as an authority figure the same way as he does his parents or teachers. But he does want certain things from you. Find out what those things are, & make it clear to him how he can get them from you.

  10. just explain it to ur parents and make yourself appear calm. never yell and hit and stuff cuz that just makes u seem like the bad guy. just keep ur cool, and when he does something wrong, just tell ur parents and have them straighten him out

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