
How do I get my mind off love so I can stay focused on school?

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It's almost school time again and I'm nervous. Recently I've been developing a crush on a celebrity and I can't focus on anything. Just them. It's so hard because sometimes it hurts to know that it will never happen. I know for a fact that I can't focus when I'm in love, ergo my grades will fall. And I'm going into high school! F's won't look good on my college application. I just hate being in love right now... It hurts.




  1. The only way to recover is date some one. Once you have some one there for moral support you will be fine. Learn to manager your time with your special some one. Know when you have to get the serious work done. School should be your first priority no matter what.  

  2. You have just got to remember your crush is a FANTASY. Fantasy's are beautifulhings but you have just got to remember it's not going to happen. Your crush is not going to turn up outside your house one day and profess his love for you. So just keep your mind on school, because grades are MUCH MORE important than this celebrity. One day you will fall in love with someone and be happy, but for now focus on the important things.

  3. 1st of, u just learned ur 1st lesson in life-love hurts

    + sadly, no...its VERY hard to do that...but good luck...

    its possible, just hard

    btw, just curios, wat celebrity?

  4. ermmm...

    which celebrity

    i think its normal

  5. I know that feeling.  I was always an above average performer in school and my performance dropped when the following happened.

    I used to like this girl for about 3 years but was too shy to tell her (and in my subconscious mind not ready for this sort of thing) .  I happen to tell one of my best friend about how i feel. He was a friend of hers and without me knowing a d**n thing, he told her and she happened to be swept of her feet and began making the moves.   - I WAS NT READY grades dropped really bad.  I used to be afraid of going to school and facing these emotions of love and being rep remanded by teaches.  

    It was all too much for me.  I have to admit that not all of us can handle love relationships and have good grades.  Maybe we can multitask other combinations like sport and school work. We are all not the same.

    I always knew in my heart, through all those feelings that I was good at school.  I went back on track and studied for a university degree during a time in which I was ready for a relationship.

    If you feel you not ready for the combination, dont go that route.  Use another combination.

  6. You're not in love with a celebrity. You just think you are. In reality, you barely know the guy. It's just a crush, I've had plenty of them (on teachers too...)

    Just try to concentrate on maybe finding the guy you're meant to be with but don't let it ruin your education. It's not an essential at the moment, but getting the best grades you can is.

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