
How do I get my mom to believe me?

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Well, the truth is that i am 12-1=? years old.

and I usually lie alot aha :P

Well, i usually go around the house looking for quarters and money so I can go to the store and buy some treats, but i have a step sister and she has this swear jar filled the quarters and now there all out because SHE took them, NOT ME!

But now stupid step dad thinks I took them , NOT EVEN MY MOM BELIEVES ME.

There all mad at me now and punishing me and its making me really mad !

What do I do about this,

I already said to her


Im serious mum! Im not lying!

I swear I swear I didn't!

Why don't you believe me?

Please Believe me!

But she was like

Mhmm. Sure.

Then step dad steps in,

YES YOU DID and I screamed at him NO I DIDNT!

And then i slapped him and ran to my room.


I dont say I love you or anything to my mom so dont say anything about that.




  1. Well, when you lie, people have a harder time believing you when you do tell the truth. So, it is just an unfortunate thing you'll have to deal with until your parents believe that you are capable of telling the truth.

  2. People judge people more by their actions, than their words. You stated you lie a lot, why would someone believe you this time. Your past actions effect how people treat you.

  3. AHHH!

    I hate when my parents don't believe me.

    Tell your sister to tell you parents that she took the money, and threaten her if she doesn't.

    If that doesn't work, just ignore your parents for a while.

    Hope I helped.

    Answer mine??;...

  4. It will all blow over in a week or two.

    Few years from now, that will least of your worries.

    I promise.

    Don't try to get revenge on your step sister, or get back at your mom for not believing you.

    You know you did not do it and that's all the matters.

    Be the bigger the person - it will pay off.  

  5. go to your sister- you are proof that stealing gets you in trouble (if youve done it before this is why they think its you)

    Tell her that its wrong for her to let them think its you and if she doesnt tell them it was her she will get caught some way or other.

  6. omg..the taboo slap

    hmm wait for the situation to calm down

    then try to calmly start the conversation again.

  7. please be patient first..

    u must know Friends come and go, family stays with you forever!

    please make discussion with them properly..

    that only my opinion..  

  8. They probley dont belive you cuz' you lie alot. And you need to stop lieing for awhile. And then Tell them you love them amd sorry you scremed. And find a way to make your step sister tell that she did. But if this does not help im sorry!

  9. kids.....

  10. What a waste I refuse to answer this kid.

  11. gurl i kno wat ur feelin my mom  believes my brother more just bcuz he work n i don heck plus shes always yellin at me 4 da stupidest reasons eva  but i learn 2 deal with by think of me trun 18 n goin off 2 college n losin contact  with her

  12. Thats why you should always lead a life of complete honesty and truthfullness because if you lie a lot, you will always be the suspect no matter what happenes or comes up missing.

  13. dont worry..u already lied a lot...& cant do anythin...but 4 dis u can go up2 ur mom personally...& tell her abut sum thins u had lied abut...&tell her dat u dint do dis 1..giv her a her in her day 2 day probs...& again tell her..i luv u sooo much mom...sry 4 da lies i told...i promise i'll never tell lies..&i never did dis 1...KEEP UR PROMISE & DONT LIE EVER AGAIN..

  14. well that's dumb lol but what i would do is next time they say they don't believe you just say fine don't believe me i don't care  

  15. llol its like the kid who cried a way... lying usually comes back around the corner to kick you and get you back. So stop doing it (hopefully you've learned your lesson by now) and eventually when your parents start believing you more, then you can always bring this up on a random day and say, you know that time you thought i took quarters from the jar, well it really wasnt me. hope i helped, and i've hope you've learned a lesson.

  16. Don't act anger, don't go crazy. Explain calmly to your family, and then ask them what they would feel if it happens to not be you. Ask them how they would react if it turned out it wasn't you who stole the money at all. Then tell them that they shouldn't be accusing you of such thing.

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