
How do I get my mom to let me buy the thing i want with my own money?

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i really want roller skates cause i want to learn but she sayes its a wast of money cause i will never use them




  1. Try n persuade her by telling her u WILL use them. Say u will practice weneva u can, n tell her it wont even cost her. Say 'its my money, if i waste it by not practcing and neva usin my skates then thats my money wasted not urs.'

  2. if you want them, and are paying for them then you should buy roller skates. and iif you turn out to not use them its not like your mom had to pay for them anyway

  3. First off...why don't you go to a roller skating ring and try the 4 wheels and hang onto the wall until your secure about letting go.  

    Yeah I know that 4 wheel roller skating is different than roller blading.  You've got 2 points of balance rather than 4 points.

    Another thought is why don't you go to a yard sale or a thrift shop and purchase a used pair rather than running out and purchasing a brand new pair?  Many kids find out that it's harder than it seems.  Get a used pair first then once your mom sees you using the used pair maybe she'll agree on allowing you to purchase a new pair.  

    Think wisely as the old saying goes...a fool and his money are soon parted.

  4. Becareful it is scientifcally proven that skates turn you homosexual

  5. Negotiate with her. Draw up a contract that says you will use the skates 5 hours (fill in whatever you think is reasonable, this is just an example) a week and have a consequence (something that will appeal to her such as, cooking dinner once a week or doing the laundry) if you don't fulfill your part of the deal.

  6. Just buy them, take no notice of your mum, she shouldn't be out of the kitchen anyway.

  7. Well if you really want them and your going to buy them with your own money why don't you just go and get them? She can't physically stop you buying them?

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