
How do I get my mom to let me go to homecoming?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, I'm a freshman, and all my friends can go to homecoming except for me. I don't know why my mom won't let me go, but when I brought up that one of my friends got her dress, she just said "And you know you can't go to homecoming, right?" I don't know how to ask my mom if I can go, because I really don't know why she won't let me go! She keeps saying things about how homecoming is stupid if you don't have a date (which I can't do until I'm 16), and how her friends' kids didn't go until sophomore year. How do I ask? My friends keep pressuring me to ask her, and I just don't know the right time to do it, or how to ask, since I don't know how she'll react.




  1. i had a problem abit like this it turned out tht my mom had a bad experience when she woz my age tlk 2 her ask her wot homecoming woz like for her and if it turns out something did happen then promise her tht u will learn and tlk it through

  2. talk to her and tell that ur going to homecomingg with one or ur bestfriends at ur school. then u as her about the senior she went to prom.    

  3. explain to her that you don't need a date to have a good time at homecoming. go with your girl friend's. make a day out of it. do your nails and hair and get ready together. take loads of pictures. it's nothing more then a regular school dance but more formal.

    if you feel the need to throw in the she went to prom thing, then do it. it might get you somewhere or it might not. depends on your mother i suppose.

    homecoming is a high school tradition that is open to all grades. you should experience as much as you can during your high school years because they go by so fast and the memories really do last a lifetime. i'm only going to be a junior this year and i can tell you that homecoming was one of the best nights of my life.  

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