
How do I get my money back? I recently lost $1100 in cash. Some guy found it and started bragging

by  |  earlier

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I recently lost $1100 in cash. Some guy found it and started bragging to his friends about it. Long story short, I tracked him down and asked for the money. He said that he only found $360 (a complete lie) and gave me $160, promising to give me the rest when he got paid. Needless to say, I have not received the $200 or the rest of the money, which I know he has. What do I do?




  1. call the cops . he rob you.

  2. Try taking him to small claims court. Have a witness??

  3. This is dicey - unless you can put together a case proving he found the full amount this is pretty much impossible. If your pretty sure he did find the full amount, simply having a lawyer contact him with the threat of a case could be enough to scare him into ponying up the rest... but don't count on it. You can either go through an expensive and tentative legal battle, or be more careful with your cash.

  4. Sorry about your misfortune, but we have a UK saying that goes "finders-keepers".

    This also applies in law.

    If I were to find a wallet full of notes on the street, being the honest thing I am, I would of handed it in to the police after deducting a 10% "reward", as most folks would

    It would be a case of proving that the serial numbers on notes found are registed somehow to you.

    All you can do, and especially as he has virtually admitted to finding the $1100, is to appeal to his nature for it to be returned.

  5. Unfortunately there isn't much which you can as he didn't actually take it, he merely found it.  So you can't go to the police as there is no evidence of him taking it and you said so yourself that you lost it.  So the only thing you can do is hope that he returns it.  Which legally he doesn't have to do as he found it.  So sorry and best of luck.


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