
How do I get my money back if I lent 100 bucks to a friend, when I ask for it back she makes up excuses?

by  |  earlier

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I don't want to be rude, but I am broke and need the money back asap




  1. Small claims court, but it takes time, there is a filing fee, and it is your word against hers.

    Depending upon your ages, approach her parents.  I would be pissed if my daughter took a loan like that, doubly pissed if she did not pay it back promptly.

    Depending upon your ages, tell all her/your friends.  Once she is duly embarrassed, let her know that you will also tell everyone when she has paid you off.

  2. well first of all dont loan people money..thats for banks to do:) all u need to do is call her up and say u need to come on over with alot of cash were gonna play a game called mafia.. its a real game me and my friends play whenever we have some money u get a bunch of people and 2 people r cops two people r the mafia and the rest r civilians u need more than 5 people to play cuz one person is the narrator so the mafia have to find out who the cops are and the cops need to find out who the mafia are and there trying to kill people so u guess who each person is and if someone kills a civilian you have to pay the narrator and at the end the narrator splits the money between everyone... so u just gotta rig it so ur friend willwind up giving u the 100 bucks back and get ur friends in on it

  3. If you loan somebody money and the refuse to pay you back the only thing you can do is take them to small claims court. I believe it costs about $50 to file a claim so it wouldn't be worth it. Use it as a lesson learned. If you loan somebody money be prepared to think of it as giving them a gift if they don't repay you.

  4. If your friend is always giving excuses, this mean that she do not have that money... It would be useless to be rude... If you are really in need of money, I recommend this site ... It really helped me out when I was drowning into dept and harassed by creditors...


    Good Luck

    God Bless

  5. Obvious this is a lesson learned.  She either does not have the money or she is not planning on paying it back in the timely fashion of your needs.  Explain to her if she has anything she can give you back you are broke and you helped her.  It probably won't matter.  She will need you again.  Sorry there is really nothing you can do but be more cautious to who you loan money to next time.

  6. Unfortunately this is why it is best not to loan to friends and family. I can't tell you how to get your money back. What can you do if she really doesn't have it? What can you do if she does but just won't give it to you? My only suggestion is tell her how much you need it and ask if she at least has some to give you. When it comes to pushing for it, you need to evaluate which is more important, her friendship or $100. I know I have given up on a few hundred dollars to save relationships.  Now I am all the wiser for it. Everyone knows I will no longer loan them any money no matter what the reason for needing it is. I will however allow some hard work (like mowing, babysitting, or cleaning) and pay well for it. Just keep that in mind next time. Good luck!

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