
How do I get my neighbor's house condemned?

by  |  earlier

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They are living in a house beside mine with boarded up doors and windows. They do nothing but sit on their porch and drink beers. Can the police kick them out of their house for me?




  1. I feel your pain.

  2. Call code enforcement or the building inspector.  In my town, they are one and the same.  The police can't help you on this one until code enforcement has condemned the  house.   The inspector usually gives violators a minimum of thirty days to make needed repairs, up to 90 for more complicated matters.   Don't count on them being gone any time soon.   In the meantime, it seems like they would at least offer you a beer.

  3. If the house does not have running water or other serious code violations the city zoning board can and will condemn the property.

  4. This isn't the responsibility of the polce dept. Call your local by-law enforcement municipality office.

  5. You need to talk to the health department and the local zoning board. Unless the house has been condemned or declared unfit for habitation, the police have no justification for action.

  6. make an anonymous call to the police.  Tell them that a lot of traffic is going in and out of the house you suspect it to be a drug house.  also report drop a letter off at your local housing inspection office asking about oblivious violations

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