
How do I get my neighbors to turn down their TV?

by Guest61938  |  earlier

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It's not like it is loud enough to call the police, but it is loud enough not to let you sleep at night. I went there and talked to the lady who pretends she lives alone (she actually doesn't, her son and daughter-in-law moved in with her a few months back, but she wants to avoid paying more rent) and she says it's not her TV that is loud. There is no other possibility, so please, what do I do?




  1. I think you should report her for lying about living alone. You've tried to be polite and reasonable and Im guessing if you asked her again the responce would be the same.  If she cant co-operate with you then maybe she should see what its like to have people who arent willing to co-operate with her! And she'll never know for sure its you.

  2. One approach is to make more noise than they--if you can burst loud music a few times in their direction they may make the point nicely.

    Also the notion of contacting landlord/agent, and civil authorites may work well, if you don't mind getting her in serious trouble.

    If it is loud enough to prevent sleep, it might be worth a call to police as well, after all it is a disturbance. They may glady send some one round to have a bit of a chinwag.  

  3. inform the police.

  4. try talking to her!  say something from your place is too loud and it's keeping me up!

    I assume it's a tv maybe it's your guest!  either way please help me out!

    if she get's lippy don't tell her your going to report her and her guest just do it!

  5. Call your local environmental health office.  They deal with noise pollution among other things and will be able to investigate your claim.

  6. report her to the noise abatement team of your local council, they will send her a letter warning her to keep the noise down, if she still keeps it up call them again and they will send someone out to listen to the noise she is making and they will send her another letter telling her someone from the team has witnessed it and that she risks losing her tenancy. If you keep on at them they will get her kicked out.

  7. She might be hard of hearing and needs it loud.  Perhaps you could ask her not to have it on late or get some headphones.

  8. Um… this is a tough one. You have to be diplomatic about the situation.

    The first thing I would do is talk to your other neighbours and see if it might be their T.V (even if it is not). Then you would return to this woman and being as polite as possible you would tell her that you have talked to the other neighbours and its not their TV  (Mr Jones has been away for the last few days, Ms Kelly doesn’t have a TV, Mr and Mrs Thomson have also noticed the noise too ect). Then you would ask her if she would not mind turning down the volume because you have early mornings. If she still refuses. Tell her, you do not want to, but you will make a complaint to both her landlord and the police about the noise.  Remember you have to live next to this woman. Your neighbours can make your life a living h**l. You might even need the woman’s h**l at some point down the line. Try not to burn any bridges.

  9. Try again - tell her if it's not her TV can she help you trace the correct flat because from your flat it definitely sounds like it's hers. Put her on the spot.

    If she still refuses to help and the TV continues call environmental health. if its loud enough to stop you sleeping it is loud enough to call them!

  10. Hammer the wall.

  11. I pity you so much. I had the same thing a while back, but it was very loud stereos and general partying at 3am. I was getting up at 5am for work at the time, so ended up moving. He was a real tosser, and said he would keep it down but never did. Cant really offer any other advice, other than moving, but you have my true sympathy. Maybe say to her again that you think its while she's out (so that she knows you know her family stay there). If she thinks you might get upset and tell the landlord, maybe she will be a little more considerate.

  12. does she know you know about her son and daughter and law? if not, report her to the authorities,

    you could also go to your local citizens advice bureau  

  13. Let whoever her landlord is know that she has 2 other people staying there with her.

    It might not get the tv turned down, but it will get the B*TCH back !!!

  14. Noisy neighbours are a pain but you shouldn't put up with it.

    If you get on with her generally then let her know the alternative to peace and quiet is for you to inform her Landlord that she has others staying without paying.

    Good luck, we have all been through it atone time or another

  15. kick there door down, get a hammer and smash it to bits if they say anything do the same to them! :)

  16. If you are in England, she may have completed a voters registration form, which requires her to declare those living at that address. It is also used for council tax purposes.

    The caouncil might be interested to hear about her co-residents!

  17. One night put your TV on really loud and leave it on and go and stay with your friends / family. Then when the neighbours finally decide to sleep they'll get some of their own treatment back and hopefully this will make them more considerate to yourself.  

  18. Just try asking her politely again. If that's not working, I think it is the best idea to go to the police, or try and persuade your other neighbors to complain as well. Then maybe she will stop playing her TV so loudly. My neighbor used to play music loudly. We knocked on her door and asked her to play it more quietly, luckily, she did! So just try doing that for starters.

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