
How do I get my old life back?

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I am a 16 year old girl. Over the past 4 years I have gone into a depression. I used to be a size 2 and have a nice body. Over the last 4 years I have developed a binge eating habit and I gained 40 pounds. I am now a size 13 and have the stretch marks to show (sorry if that's disgusting). I used to be a star basketball player and was the captain of my teams. Now I have lost all interest in it. I used to be the top of my class, and now I am just barely getting by in school. I have the intelligence, but not the drive to do anything. I don't have any support in my life, because my dad could care less about me and my mom passed away. I don't want life to pass me by, and I want my old self back. I don't know where to start. HELP!!!




  1. You need support. Find it in  your friends or even a support group for teens.  Start working out, eating right and force yourself to do homework and start involving yourself in your interests.  Help others too, charity often helps people forget their problems and feel good about themselves.

  2. Ask your school councilor to refer you to an expert on depression.

  3. go to doctor or specialist they prescribe antidepressant  pills and help you get those pounds off.


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