
How do I get my parents back in church?

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They got in a fuss with some main members and said they wont go back to that church ,but its been about a month and haven't went to any other ones either.You can tell where changing slowly but surely .I want us to go so what would be a good way to get them to start going?




  1. they were hurt by something.  maybe they need a break.  give them space and do your thing.  they are adults and are capable of making their own decisions about church.

  2. Leave them alone, they can make up their own minds.

    It seems to me as if they have just learned a valuable lesson.

  3. Tell them what you just told us.  It's hard to go to a new church, but if your parents realize it's affecting you, it should help.

  4. I have been in a similar circumstance.  I am the only member of my family still in the church of my youth.

    Sadly, you can't "make" your parents do anything.  The responsibility ultimately lies with them.

    You can speak to them and tell them you miss the experience of going to church together.

    You can pray for them.

    You can show them the honor that Christian children should give their parents (in spite of their actions).

    However, this decision is between them and God, and the more you press the issue the more they will set their feet.

  5. It's not your place to attempt to get your parents back to church.

    Go by yourself.

  6. If they don't want to go, you can't really make them.

  7. Leave them alone.  If they don't want to go, it's their business and nobody else's.  If YOU want to go, you can ask them to drop you off, or if you can ride with a friend.

  8. Start having bible discussions, songs and prayer at home.

  9. Just leave them alone. Church isn't a requirement to be a good Christian. Your parents are fine. If you want to go, go by yourself or with another member.

  10. Leave Them Alone, I'm Sure They Probably Won't Want To Hear It From You Anyway...

  11. Leave your parents alone; if church isn't a choice, it's not worth a thing.

  12. why don't you mind your own business and let individuals make their own decisions about their own lives???????????

  13. Pray for them and be a good example to them.  Make them WANT to go to church by showing them such an exemplary life.  Jesus said it like this, "Let your light so shine before men that they glorify your Father in heaven."

    God bless you as you seek to please God in these matters.

  14. Do you feel comfortable faking your own death?

  15. It depends on why your parents stopped going to church.  If they became disenchanted with people who are still members, it is unlikely that they will return to their old church unless those other people leave.  If they have not yet chosen or sought a new church, it might be that the people they disagreed with were simply the last straw to an existing problem.

    In either case, all you can really do is let them make their own decision about church.  They might simply have decided that they like sleeping in on Sundays and that they need not attend church to practice their faith.  Leave it up to them.

  16. It is not your job.  It is the job of the Holy Spirit to do that.  You cannot do His job well, so pray and leave it to God. Also, it wouldn't hurt to live an examplar life such that they have no reason to reject God because of you.

  17. Maybe a subtle reminder - just because we get into a "fuss" with other members it is no reason for us to give up Church. Are we not called to be above that?

    In the end, it is there choice. But bitterness and anger in your heart is something Christ does not teach.

    Satan loves to divide the church.

  18. Turn it over to the Lord and trust in Him. Just keep praying.

  19. If they left church of a squabble with some of the church members they probably don't have their heart set on going to church in the first place.

  20. Win them over without a word.  Your conduct may move them to act when they see your faith in action.

    "In like manner, you wives, be in subjection to your own husbands, in order that, if any are not obedient to the word, they may be won without a word through the conduct of their wives, because of having been eyewitnesses of your chaste conduct together with deep respect.”—1 Peter 3:1, 2.

  21. You don't need to.

  22. They are old enough to make their own decisions.  Let them do so.

  23. Tell them you are going to take them out to dinner, but instead take them to church.  SImple.  

  24. Well, you could tell them what you just said for a start. Tell them you understand that they didn't like that church and that you want all of you to go to another. Get everyone to agree on it.

    You could find a church that's having a special event like a concert or a pot luck supper and get your family interested.

  25. The most important thing is to pray for them, asking the Lord to heal the bitterness that has resulted from their disagreement with those people at church.  Talk to your parents and explain to them that you want to continue going to church and ask them to take you.  Again, the most important thing you can do for your family is to pray.  God bless you dear, and I will be praying for all of you!!!

  26. Church hurts can be so deep, just pray for your parents and let them alone right now, and u go on to church and be the one to set the example.

  27. I won't object to change for the better. Let them change. The brainwashing indoctrination is fading. Wahoo!

  28. you may need to find a new church.(go to a bible believing church).

    your parents may eventually accept an invitation.

    (If you want them to continue at the same church you may ask some members your parents liked to invite them back.they may be waiting for the church to ask them back).  

  29. Roofies...Rope...and a big car trunk.

    These things are great for a variety of needs.

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