
How do I get my parents comfortable with me hanging out with boys?

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I have boys who are like my best friends and I would really love to hang out with them one on one instead of bringing a girl bff along because if I told my parents I was hanging out with a boy they immedaitely assume that it's my boyfriend or that I'm "doing" something with them when they are just friends. My parents constantly ask who I hang out with and I mention all the girls and leave out the boys. I'm sick of sneaking around just to see my best friends who are male. I don't know how to approach my parents on the topic, my mother might be cool with it, but my father might never let me leave the house again. Success stories with the same problem, would be greatly appreciated. I'm 15 years old, by the way.




  1. omg i hav da same problem bt sumtimes it is jus a guyfrnd but sumtimes it is my bf but its not like were doing sumthing u kno

    its realy hard cus i hav 1 big bro n 3 half bros dat realy hate da idea of me n boys even if dey r jus frnds so yea sry i cant help u bt ima keep an eye on dis ? to c if itll help me 2 lol gud luk


  3. my mom was just like your parents

    and i was just like you

    I went to "rachel's house" countless times to see my male friend.

    I told my mom that so many girls my age are catty and mean and stupid and self absorbed. (at least where I live, its a ...upperclass kinda place, grr)

    then i said, guys are so much more down to earth and dont care about things that the catty girls(who used to be my friends) are.

    she agreed that they "suck" (my mom hates snobs) and let me go

    you can also say that youre not even interested in that boyfriend stuff.

  4. yeah i know how you feel my parents are wicked strict about hangin with boys,i just have to let them know I'm not interested in them as bf's,and hang out with a group of people with them,i can never hang out with a guy alone even when my parents know  i don't like him,its just how its is,so try to git a group of friends together to hang out,and tell your parents the truth,then they will trust you more and give you more freedom

  5. Well I think you should let some of them come over (One at a time) to your house and hang out there. Just keep having them come over until your parents get to know and like them enough for you to be able to hang out with them. That worked for me. =]

  6. same with me, a lot of my besties are guys. but my parents see that they are my friends and nothing more. i did have all of them and there parents meet mine, soo yeah.

    im 13 btw.

    i dont think i helped, but yeah.

    good luck

  7. wtf youre 15?

    youre parents should of had been comfortable with this at when you were atlease 12

  8. they are being a very potective over looker of you... You need to just tell them that i am growing up and i have made many friends that are guys and i enjoying there company.. and mabey you should sya please understand that i amnot interested in doing anything i jusst want to hangout with them

  9. Thats hard!!!!!!!!!

    Tell them what you feel, for example: dad-mom i have somethinf to tell you, i have a lot of friends such girls and boys. i will like to ask you something,WHY dont you lert me have friends that are boys,you guys dont trust me right?you think i will have s*x with them NOO im not,i cant understand you guys why why why why.


  10. Try talking to mom first and tell her how you feel and maybe she can talk to dad...if they know they raised you well with morals and values then they sholud trust you

  11. Just explain to them that you're growing up and sometimes you need experience and that they should learn how to trust you.

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