
How do I get my parents to give me allowance?

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  1. Say  " I think I want to grow up a bit so I'd like to take and active part in assuming some responsibility with some chores in the house or garden"  They may fall over but just say "I am serious I would like to work for a little pay so I can have some "pocket money" of my own".

    You must be determined and tell them that you want to do whatever you all agree upon in a reasonable and constant way.

    You ought to rehearse a bit and say this stuff over and over so it comes out right and be prepared for any remarks or comments or laughs that might come up.  Think ahead about what they might say and get answer ready.

    Good Luck.  This is what the real outside world is like so in a way this would be a wonderful experience for everyone involved.

    If they can afford to do it I think they will.  If not you have to be prepared to look for some out of the house job.  Tell them this and ask for their permission.

    I wish you good luck you sound like a very nice person.

  2. I'll answer your question with another question. Do you do anything to earn it?

  3. Come up with a list of chores and a schedule for when you will do the chores, plus how much you expect to get paid for the chores.  and the penalty if you don't do the assigned chore.

    You know, like a real job.

  4. tell them how much u need the money and what u need the money for. try and play the safty aspect into it and tell them than u need money for emergencies or somthing like that.

  5. Ask you mum how you can earn some money and get some suggestions from her. Some of them may be ones that she will pay you for. tell her why you need it (why do you need it) ask how old you have to be to get an allowance. If your parents are not well off then the answer may be never, but you could ask.

  6. Don't ask them. Its as simple as that. Do your work and help out around the house and they will give you allowance without you even asking them.

  7. do your chore without them telling you to and maybe to extra?

  8. Ask them, duh.

  9. Talk to them, and you can come down to terms as to how you can earn it. Offer to do a certain amount of chores and come up with something that seems fair to all of you. Communication is king.

  10. if youre old enough to work just work and if youre not thenask them if you can take on some chores to earn some dough. and if you already do some chores and get no money then tell them d**n momma hook it up.  

  11. keep doing things without them asking, or right before they ask, and don't say a peep about it, and you might get some mula.

  12. Tell them that there are things that you want, as well as that you want to learn responsibility, and ask them "What can I do to earn an allowance?"  and then do those things.  

    If you want more negotiate by showing the cost of the things you want, or by asking what you can do to earn more.


    What you "deserve" is highly debateable, and what they give you is their choice.  Your chores are what they asked of you, I'm sure there are more things to be done.  Like laundry, preparing meals, walking the dog, setting tables, making other peoples beds, vacuuming, tending the garden, washing dishes, researching things for them.  

    There is a lot to be done to make a household run smoothly, and lot's of ways to improve upon a household to make it run better.  

    You can also negotiate saying, "If you will pay for it I will go and get lessons on _____" whether it is swimming, dancing, etiquette, a musical instrument etc.  Parents want to see their children achieve and are willing to pay for it if you go to the lengths to actually do it.

  13. Ask them nicely, and say that others you know are receiving one. Also, offer to do stuff around the house, like sweeping up etc etc. if you don't already do that.

    Edit: OK so they really don't want to give you anything. You might have to consider doing stuff for the neighbours that they will pay you for. Again its the usual sort of cleaning up, babysitting etc etc. Good luck.

  14. Hmmm just be more responsible , like don't be lazy around the house. After dinner & stuff , wash the dishes . Fold clothes , & especially get good grades in school . Then tell your parents "I've been doing alooot around the house , & I am doing good in school , can you start giving me an allowance pleaaaaase " then smile =] haha . Goood luck !

  15. well what do they do now? do they give you money when you ask for it? or do you just not get money at all? how old are you? are you responsible? do you do chores? more details or no one will be able to answer!!!

    i used to get a small allowance for doing nothing, and then one day i created a cleaning schedule, or what i was going to clean every other day, and all the different chores i would do along with my siblings, and my dad tripled my allowance!

  16. say i need money

  17. First, do a lot of chores around the house.

    -clean the kitchen,living room,etc...

    -clean the bathroom

    -take out the trash

    -keep your room neat

    -wash the dishes

    ask your parents if you do this every week, if you can have a reasonable amount of money($3-$5 a week)

    As you do more chores each week, ask if you've earned more money

  18. talk to them about doing chores around the house for an allowance, they're more likely to give you an allowance if you do something in exchange for it.

  19. steal it from your mom's purse... duh!

  20. Get up early Sunday mornings and surprise them by doing all your chores and all those little things your parents expect you to do. Get close to them and bring your brings home to meet them, if you have friends known to your parents they will allow you to go out and give you some money to spend.

    Do not expect money all the time, like every Monday to spend all week, just ask them when you need some, they will understand and help you out the best way they can. Be good to then, you will be rewarded for it.

  21. pretty much.

    you have to use reasoning.

    you explain that you are a growing teen and you need money to support yourself

    if you tell them you want money just because their gonna give u a fat NO

    so u have to tell them what u need money for and negotiate into a fair allowance.

    thats what i do

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